Saturday, 10 December 2016


Its been a while since I posted, mainly because nothing much has changed for me.  Essentially all that has changed is the weather where I am LOL.

I'm not even sure why I'm posting, but the current situation is, I'm still in the same job, actually approaching my 2 year anniversary where I am.  Which I think is my 3rd longest job ever in my working life, behind Network Rail and Toys R Us.  I think its because its pretty quiet at the moment and I don't like it being quiet, I much prefer to be busy, even though I can help other departments.

Socially I've gotten out and about the last few months, kept myself pretty busy but nothing major to report in that, though I did attend my first ever Thanksgiving dinner which was fun and I got to see friends and I have things coming up to look forward to, so that is something good.

But generally lately I've been feel a bit like I'm treading water, drifting through life and not going anywhere fast.  Maybe its wrong and I'm actually doing okay and I just can't see it, but I guess I'm just feeling a bit jaded and cynical at the moment.  I'm sure it will pass but right now it doesn't feel good.

Still I'm okay, right now I've got my cup of tea and following Hull City as they currently lead Crystal Palace 1-0.  So Up the Tigers and hope you are all well.