Sunday, 6 May 2018

Pesach/Parents/Family and break

So as I promised on my Facebook page for the blog, I'm posting about the last few weeks, obviously I have had a few short posts but nothing substantial.

Well Pesach has been and gone and we're almost at Shavuot.  But for the first time since I made Aliyah over 6 and a half years ago my parents and sister were here in Israel for it.  Since I made Aliyah it’s either been me going to England or being here by myself so this was a real nice thing to have.  Of course it was a chance for my parents and sister to meet their Great nephew and little cousin Lev who they had not yet met.  I'm pretty sure he charmed them all. So my sister came for two weeks, the day before Pesach and part way into the week after.  My parents were in fact here for a month which is the longest time we've been in the same country in over 6 and a half years. So it was nice to see them for the first time in almost a year the day after they arrived when I joined them, my Aunt and Uncle and my cousin and his wife for dinner at their place in Tel Aviv and it was nice to sit with the family.  Then it was onto Rehovot at the end of the week for Seder and the 1st day of Pesach.  

Now for the longest time since my parents moved to Manchester in 2007 it’s been pretty much a Seder of 4 or 3 when I wasn't in England, so having a big Seder was a nice experience, made also more chaotic in a good way with 3 children 4 and under.  But still it was good and it was nice to have a big family Seder and hey I wasn't the youngest so no Ma Nishtana for me this year :-).

After Rehovot my parents and sister were back in Netanya and I joined them as my office was closed for the week.  So I got to spend time with them.  While we didn't do much, there was the obligatory trip to Tel Aviv to Shuk HaCarmel and Nachlat Binyamin and hanging out in Dizengoff Centre to have a coffee and a Kosher for Passover cake. (Surprisingly it was good).

After Pesach I had to go back to work, but made time to hang with the parents and sister before my sister flew back to England and also to work.  Then with Yom Haatzmaut upon us, I took the opportunity to spend the evening with my parents and family watching the fireworks.  Then after a few days to myself, I re-joined my parents for a few more days before I saw them to the airport and they were off home back to England.

It really was fun to have them here for a long period, still was sad to see them go and I hope that they had fun and that's it not another year before I get to see them again.