Saturday, 21 September 2013

Yom Kippur and Holiday

Hi all, sorry for the slight delay in posting, just been a bit of a busy week or so since I last blogged.  So now I shall endeavour to bring you up-to-date on things.

Well Yom Kippur (Jewish Day of Atonement) has come and gone.  It’s probably the toughest day of the Jewish calendar as your in services pretty much all day and to add in not eating or drink for 25 to 26 hours it’s pretty tough.  I did think it would be tougher in a hot country and especially in Tel Aviv where it is more humid than Jerusalem, but I spent the Friday up until the fast drinking water as much as possible and also when not in the synagogue, resting and relaxing.  Still it’s always a good feeling to know that you've completed the fast successfully.

The last of Festivals at this time of year is Sukkot which is finished in just under a week with Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah.  In Sukkot we spend time in the Sukkah which is a temporary hut which is topped with branches and has fruit hanging from it; I have wandered around Tel Aviv and seen several Sukkah's set up, apart from the ones that are at the synagogues.  As the custom is, you are supposed to eat, drink, and sleep within the Sukkah during this period. 

Apart from all of the Religious festivals, it’s been pretty busy with work and social life.  I've now finished work until the 29th so I'm enjoying a break and for once it’s nice to enjoy a break that I don't have to worry about either job or apartment hunting.  Hoping to do a few things during this break and get stuff sorted and organised.  Will try to make it to Jerusalem for at least one day as it has been several months since I was last there.

Anyway nothing else really to report, I hope you are all well and we'll speak soon.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Rosh Hashana, September and all that

Hello all, well it been a couple of weeks since I last posted so I apologise for that, been fairly busy week or so for me.

Anyway best news is I have sorted out a new apartment for a few months at least, slightly cheaper rent and sharing with a friend in Ramat Aviv.  I know some people will say why go for something only temporary but it gives me a chance to save a little money and also see what happens with my job after the trial period ends in October. 

Work wise everything is going well I believe, I have no doubt that at the end of my trial period I'll be a permanent member of staff and continue on with the job.  I'm learning a few new words of Hebrew as the factory staff don't speak English at all, so if I'm dealing with them I have to speak Hebrew. 

Socially wise I've gotten out a lot over the last weeks or so, I think last week I somehow due to social life managed to not find my bed before 1am every night.  Not sensible when you have work in the morning LOL, but I have had fun. 

This month is full of the Jewish Holidays starting with today with Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), followed by Yom Kippur and Sukkot, all which means I have time off work, actually a lot of time.  Off today and tomorrow, back to work Sunday for the next 5 days, then I have another 3 day week and after that again I'm on holiday but this time for 11 days, so it’s going to be a slow working month, but a fun break time month.

Anyway at this time I would like to wish my Jewish readers Shana Tova and hope you all have a happy and healthy new year and well over the fast.