Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Rosh Hashana, September and all that

Hello all, well it been a couple of weeks since I last posted so I apologise for that, been fairly busy week or so for me.

Anyway best news is I have sorted out a new apartment for a few months at least, slightly cheaper rent and sharing with a friend in Ramat Aviv.  I know some people will say why go for something only temporary but it gives me a chance to save a little money and also see what happens with my job after the trial period ends in October. 

Work wise everything is going well I believe, I have no doubt that at the end of my trial period I'll be a permanent member of staff and continue on with the job.  I'm learning a few new words of Hebrew as the factory staff don't speak English at all, so if I'm dealing with them I have to speak Hebrew. 

Socially wise I've gotten out a lot over the last weeks or so, I think last week I somehow due to social life managed to not find my bed before 1am every night.  Not sensible when you have work in the morning LOL, but I have had fun. 

This month is full of the Jewish Holidays starting with today with Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year), followed by Yom Kippur and Sukkot, all which means I have time off work, actually a lot of time.  Off today and tomorrow, back to work Sunday for the next 5 days, then I have another 3 day week and after that again I'm on holiday but this time for 11 days, so it’s going to be a slow working month, but a fun break time month.

Anyway at this time I would like to wish my Jewish readers Shana Tova and hope you all have a happy and healthy new year and well over the fast.

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