Wednesday, 16 April 2014

A Year in Tel Aviv

Well it’s been just over a year of living in Tel Aviv and it has to been the most stable year of my time Israel so far.

After moving, I began searching for work.  Hoping to find a job as I settled in Tel Aviv.  Job hunting took over my life and spending time at the beach when that wasn't going on.  I actually ran into an Ulpan friend who was working in Tel Aviv and living in Haifa, which was good to see her.  I know probably not relevant, until a few weeks later when I got a 9 week contract at the company she was working in. Working for Playtech was fun, managed to get some IT Administration done, which was different from what I had never done before and my last 10 days was really cool, when I tested a game for the company which was a lot of fun.

After that I found myself searching for work again, fortunately within a couple of weeks, I found something which I'm continuing the administrative work theme.  And since mid-July I've been there so it has been nice to be somewhere permanently.

Socially wise I've made a few new friends, but I still feel like I'm lacking in that department and sadly the few friends I have either aren't around or are in relationships, so it’s not hard to feel a bit left out and lonely here in Tel Aviv.  Still I'm trying and hopefully my 2nd year in Tel Aviv will continue to improve and my life will continue to settle and grow.

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