Sunday, 14 September 2014

I'm Back

Hey everyone I know it’s been a long time since I last posted... July 21st to be exact since my last blog.  I'm not entirely sure why I've not posted, possibly there hasn't been much to tell, it’s also I feel like I'm writing for myself and if that is the case why do I need to write a blog.  Anyway I'm posting again, bring you up-to-date with everything that has gone since I last posted.

When I last posted there were rockets coming from Gaza and Israel had gone into destroy the tunnels that Hamas used and remove their ability to cause harm to the residents of the South of Israel.  It’s been a strange time, many people prior to me coming here said it wasn't safe, something bad could happen and that is true and yet here I am, living through all this time of strife.  Though the rockets have ceased to come over and the sirens have stopped, I am still not sure what has changed, the fact remains is Hamas is still in power and still demanding what they want and not willing to give Israel anything that they would like to enable a peaceful region.  The media in the Western world has vilified Israel and anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe.  So what have the actions of both sides achieved really?  Is there a permanent peace, have both sides realised talking is the even though they are talking there can never be permanent peace, not as long as Hamas continue to exist, I have no doubt as soon as they are able they will begin firing again and Israel will respond and the world media will undoubtedly respond that Israel attacked Gaza, not mentioning the rockets that started it all.

Okay got to get off that subject, I know more trouble is inevitable, but I just don't want to think about it any longer.  So cheery subjects, work continues to be busy, which is good as I've had days when I'm sat more or less twiddling my thumbs and I prefer to be busy.  I am looking for a job closer to Tel Aviv as while I don't mind the travel I would prefer to be closer to home, for social life reasons of course :-).

Socially I've spent time with friends, even managed a beach party for my birthday last month so that was very good to happen.  Visited for a party the Golan Heights Winery a couple of weeks ago, not a bad night out, wine, women and song :-).  Otherwise more of the usual spending time with friends. I've also started to walk to the beach once a week in my on-going quest to get fit/lose weight.  Watch this space I am determined to lose some weight :-).

Apart from that all, it’s pretty quiet, nothing much to tell.  Getting ready for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as always and a week off in October from work during Sukkot.  For now that is all from me, I hope you'll read and comment, but bye for now

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