Thursday, 19 November 2015

Israel and the Media

Israel and the media

After the horrible and tragic events in Paris it's been a week of
extensive media coverage on every channel, every newspaper the World
over has dealt with this awful event. Yet in amongst the stories there
is once again the tired old cliché of blaming Israel for it.

Most of those pointing the finger are harmless people posting on
Twitter or Facebook, either genuinely believing what they have read or
just hoping to provoke a reaction. It does not help that comments made
by Politicians make their way into the press and fan the flames of
hate towards Israel at a time when the headlines should be 'we want
peace and we stand together'. Instead the press through poor wording
or just stupidity seem to turn the anger towards Israel.

Many times I have read headlines about a Palestinian being shot by
Israel and for some people that is enough for them, they don't read any more
and hear the full story, the reason why they were shot, they just
assume once again evil Israel is picking on the Palestinians.

What can be done to change this, even social media seems to be
anti-Israel. Last month Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas claimed
that Israel had executed a 13 year old boy after he and his cousin
stabbed two people. Israel acted quickly to show this was a lie, but
how much damage was done by his statement to the media, how many more
people saw Israel as child killers?

The truth is in war, the media; social and printed is a more powerful
tool than weapons. It can make people believe anything and do far more
damage and that is more scary than anything a gun can do.

Friday, 6 November 2015

Four years and still standing.

Well it’s a little delayed but nearly 2 weeks after my 4 year Aliyahversary; here it is my latest blog post. I actually spent about 5 minutes contemplating what the title would be. I suppose the four years is obvious but the still standing is me referring to the ups and downs I've had over my time here.  I honestly wonder with some of the setbacks I've had since I made aliyah, why haven't I gone back to England.  It’s easy to say it, easy for me to do, just pack up and head back to the UK where I have family and friends and I'm fluent in the language.  Honestly I think it’s just stubbornness or a desire and a belief that despite everything I can make this work, that I can build a life and in a few years I will be able to look back and say that was my challenge and I went through it and have come out stronger.

Am I a stronger person than I was four years ago, I'm not sure, I would hope if you’re a member of my family or friends reading this and you can turn round and tell me "yes" that the person I am today is not the same person I was when I left the UK.

Anyway moving away from my little contemplation, what has been going on in the last few months?  Well all the Jewish Holidays that are usually part of September and October have been and gone, it was nice for the first time since I came here that I was able to spend Rosh Hashana with my family, with my Uncle and Aunt and one of my cousins and his family, which is something I've not done since being here.  Not saying that the friends I've spent other holidays with is not nice, but this was a different kind of nice.  Also having very short weeks at work because all the holidays were during the working week a big plus :-).

Work is fine itself, like any job it is either very busy or quiet which is good, but sometimes I would settle for somewhere in-between of very busy to not so busy.  I've actually been helping train a new English Typist alongside my fellow typist Samantha, one thing I've realized is I'm not a patient person when it comes to training someone and I can't remember how I was when I started in this job, but I hope I was a good student for you Sam. We're actually helping our boss prepare for a meeting overseas which is where the busy part is, after that it will be quiet for a couple of weeks and then back to busy and then back normal levels.  I've also found time to help the other departments, it’s kind of fun to learn new stuff in the firm I'm working at, though it mostly is preparing emails and in some cases filing papers in the storage area.

Socially probably because of the festivals it was a bit quiet, I've been out and about and had some laughs with friends, birthdays and just nights out which is good, it’s still my intention to get my social life going better than ever and any of my friends here in Tel Aviv who are reading, feel free to drag me out of the house when your off out :-)

I've also had chance to celebrate with friends as they got married in the last few weeks.  The first will be forever memorable because of the vehicle the 10 of us were travelling in decided to break down and we as a result missed the Chuppah and the starter :-(.  Still we got there and I got to see friends from Ulpan and dance the night away... and then go into work on Friday morning with a little headache....... 

The second wedding was my friend and former roommate Kylie to Yuval which if you have seen the pictures she looked amazing. Disappointed they didn't bring Kiki as a part of the wedding party, but having lived with the little devil, I can only imagine the chaos she would have caused LMAO.  Still a very nice wedding and again nice to see friends and also it brought one of my best friends from England to Israel for the week, so I got to hangout with her and take a break from work.

So that's what I've been up to, it’s all good.  4 years here and I'm still standing, still working away to carve a life here, I knew it would be a struggle but I'm going to keep working on it.  Maybe one day I will actually be fluent in Hebrew... anything is possible.  

So to my friends and family here in Israel, be well and stay safe and to my friends and family back in the UK, don't be strangers. 

Friday, 21 August 2015

Birthday Blog

Well as promised and almost two weeks on from my birthday, here is my latest blog about my birthday, life in general and the last year.

So keeping people up-to-date with things, I've really settled into my new place, even got myself a tablecloth to make the table look pretty and I've had house guests and visitors which is nice to have and see that people like the look of my new apartment.  Honestly can say I enjoy being here, its just the right size for me on my own, the neighbours keep to themselves so I have my little island of quiet in the big city of Tel Aviv.

Work is fine but generally quiet apart from my regular duties, I've expanded my knowledge by working with other departments including trademarks and also spent 4 days looking for a restaurant in Panama City, Panama for my Boss for a dinner he wants to hold when there is a big conference there in November... so I got to search Google and check out the restaurants in Panama City.  For all you that are Kosher there are Kosher places to eat, so you can now visit Panama City :-).

As for my Birthday which is part of the title here.  It was a good day, with the exception of having to go to work LOL.  Apparently most of the women in my office can't believe that I'm 38 as a few of them asked how old I was and when I said 38 were pretty much like 'no, seriously how old are you?'.  Then I had dinner with friends at UNO in Tel Aviv which was a good and fun evening and had a late birthday celebration at Mikes Place with friends at the beginning of this week which was fun.

Generally the year since my last Birthday has been good, a lot of changes and a lot ups and downs, highs and lows.  I changed jobs during the latter part of 2014 and sadly it didn't work out and for a brief period I was probably at my lowest as I strongly considered that when I came home in March for my cousins barmitzvah that I would not come back to Israel, but before that happened I found a new place to work and I've settled and except for somethings I enjoy the work and the people, but when people warn you before you start that you should not work there... then its probably a good idea to listen and I didn't but I knew I didn't want to stay in the role forever so in some ways its giving me the push and keeping from getting complacent and too settled in this role.  Unless a better position in the company is offered and retraining is involved I don't see myself staying on.

Living wise things have changed I've gone from living with a roommate, something I've always done from the day I went to University, to living on my own which is a very big change, but I think at 38 its something that has been a long time in coming and as mentioned I've had visitors and house guests including my parents visiting and giving their seal of approval.

Socially the year has been a bit of a jumble, part of the problem being the bad patch at the beginning of the year and then working a lot of hours in the new job that I've had days when I've had to cancel plans.  But I've gotten out and about, made friends and had fun times but probably could have done a lot more and I hope the next year I'm able to do more having moved back towards the centre of Tel Aviv.

Generally it has been a good year I feel, could have been better in a lot of ways but life is what you make of it and as I approach the 4th year anniversary of being here in Israel, I'm still here fighting to carve out a good life for myself and I know that I'm going to succeed, even with bumps along the way.

Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Settling in

Hey all, been a while since I posted and I thought I would catch people on everything that has been going on.

Well work wise everything is fine... well if you call working 6 days a week Sunday to Friday fine. Unfortunately when you are the only English Typist in the office for most of July it seems that's the only thing the office will do, work you harder and expect me to like it.  But seriously my colleague has been off doing exams so for most of the last month I've been working a lot of hours which again would be okay if I was busy but for my actual responsibilities it has been quiet, so I've found other work within the firm helping out in other departments and learning new things.  I'm not sure how much use it will be, but certainly beats being asked do I think I work in a Pre-School by my boss because I have nothing to do.... oh and for the record the answer is 'Not every day, just 4 out of 5 I think that!!!!

Socially it unfortunately hasn't been anything to write about as with working so many hours I've not had time to really get out and about.  I've managed the odd one or two nights out and even hit the cinema a few times to catch up on some of the summer films but I've had a slightly quiet July socially.  Though I have been joined by one of my best friends from England for the last week and the next few days so I've had some fun evenings and I'm sure I'll manage to get out and about more in the next few weeks

The apartment after the first few weeks finally has everything I need to treat it as my home, though I'm still thinking I need a couple of things to add to it, the question is do I actually need them and should I get them.

Ooh almost forgot at beginning of July I had my first house guest and I'm pretty sure you saw the pictures so I don't need to tell you who it was, she was a a well behaved house-guest who cleaned up after herself and didn't decided to use my fan as chew toy and then look like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth when I got annoyed with her over it... still always nice having her around... yep I quite clearly have become a dog lover.

Anyway not much else to report, hope there will be something else big the next time I post, but for now, catch you on the flip side.

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

All Change again

Well here I am again, a second blog post in a few days.  Your probably thinking Adam what do you have to say, that has your writing again so soon.  Well it’s about change, after 20 months living in the same place, it’s time to move on.

It’s been on the cards of course, I've known that I would have to move since pretty much I moved in October 2012, it was supposed to be a very temporary stay in the apartment and well 20 months later I am moving on.  After a few months of searching and stress and disappointment I finally found a place on the edge of South Tel Aviv and for the very first time I will be moving into an apartment without roommates.

Yes you have read that right, without roommates for the first time since I left home many years ago I am going to be living alone.  And it’s a little nerve-wracking, scary, strange and exciting.  Feels like one chapter is closing with the end of May and a brand new chapter is starting with June 1st.

Hoping that people will come visit me once I get settled in the apartment, but I'm going to get settled and hopefully make the place feel like a home.  Meanwhile work is both busy and quiet.  Someone once suggested the job is a lot like being a Doctor on call, as you are either very busy or not busy at all.

Anyway that is all for now, hope you'll all be in touch and we speak soon.

Sunday, 24 May 2015

Who would be a Football Fan

I thought about the title who would be a Hull City Fan, but in some ways I think this blog isn't as much about Hull City but about Football Fans in general.

I mean we've all been there as fans standing/sitting, screaming ourselves hoarse, or nervously biting our nails when watching our team play.  From years of watching Hull City play I've seen us go from depths of despair to delight all nervously watching from the stands.  I've seen us be relegated and I've seen us be promoted and I've seen us go to Wembley.  Its the hardest thing to do I think to sit and watch something you invest your money and time in, to sit there and be able to do nothing about what is unfolding in front of you.

So it’s just gone 7pm here in Israel and the Premier League season is over, Hull City are relegated back to the Championship after two seasons in the Premier League which saw them reach the FA Cup Final and Europe for the first time ever.  It has been two years of highs and today the ultimate low.  Will City be back in the Premier League, my heart says yes, but my head wonders if we can bounce back, some of the team’s performances this season have been decidedly average and indeed the games we should have won we failed to do so.  Games that we were in a winning position we failed to hold the lead and either lost or drew and in my eyes it’s not good enough.

Who is to blame, is it the players, the manager or both, honestly I had faith in Steve Bruce and I was impressed with the signings we had made before this season had even kicked off, but now I look at the money we have spent since coming to the Premier League and the return for the money spent is sadly lacking.  I'm not sure any of the players can really pat themselves on their back and say we played well all season, it wasn't our fault.  Still while reality is setting in, the inquest can begin and from the ashes of this disappointing end to the season, hopefully Hull City will start the next season afresh and reborn with the fans behind them.

For me here in Israel, it doesn't matter how far away I am, I am a Hull City supporter no matter what league they are in.  City till I die.

Saturday, 25 April 2015

We Stand Strong

Decided to post this here as well as on The Times of Israel

The clock strikes 8 and the siren goes, we all stand to remember the honoured dead and those taken by acts of terror intended to kill and strike fear.  This morning we will do the same and pray that the lives taken in the past are the last and that they day is coming when there will be no terror, no wars to fight.  No parents watching their sons and daughters go off to fight the good fight.

As someone who is only 3 and a half years in Israel, I still stand amazed at the respect that is held towards the soldiers and for the victims of terror, for me I am glad to say I haven’t lost any friends to war or terror attacks.  But it doesn’t matter for today despite peoples differing political views we stand united to honour our fallen, as we did last week to honour the victims of the Holocaust.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Part of The Ode of Remembrance from a poem ‘For the Fallen’ by Laurence Binyon
How contrasting is it that the following day after this day of Remembrance we will celebrate Israel’s birthday and for me in some ways this has not been an easy year, much has changed and much hasn’t.  A summer spent waiting to hear the sirens and run for shelter, our soldiers doing their best to defend this country.  Public opinion and Anti-Semitism rising against the Jewish people across the world, from the events of the summer, but despite everything Israel stands tall a Jewish Homeland that few dared to dream would exist during the darkest days of the 2nd World War and yet here stands Israel 67 years young tomorrow evening and I am proud to be here and be part of this country. You either hate us or love us, but one thing is for sure.
עם ישראל חי (Am Yisrael Chai) – The Nation of Israel Lives

Sunday, 15 March 2015

I'm Back

Hello all, well I'm back to blogging.  Sorry it’s been so long since I posted, life has had a way of getting in the way and without going into details I had a very worrying and stressful end to 2014 and start to this year.  Fortunately I seem to have gotten past then storm clouds and hopefully things are now firmly blue skies.

Work news, work is good at the moment though as a colleague said about the job 'it’s a lot like being a Doctor on Call, your either very busy or you’re not'.  I'm not bothered on either aspect as long as I get paid on time hehe.  The job fortunately is closer to home so less travelling to do and when I work late its not too far away that I can be home to relax in the evening or go out with my friends.

Socially I've been a bit quiet this first few months of the year, the bad end and start kind of put me into a social coma for a while but now as the weather improves I am more determined to build a social life which seems to have drifted of late.  I'm not saying I've been a total hermit I've gotten out but not as much as I would have liked.

Apart from that, I've attended a Beatles Tribute Band concert at the beginning of the year and got a Robbie Williams concert in a few months.  Also attended a wedding of some good friends, so fun has been had.

The last 10 days though have been relaxing/fun as I've taken my annual England trip to see Friends and Family, though for a specific reason as it was my Cousin Josh's barmitzvah this weekend.  So coming for this family event I knew it was a good time to come.  I've managed to see and spend time with friends whilst in London and gone to Hull for the evening where I and Stevie B managed to get our money's worth of food from an all you can eat Chinese Buffet.  And of course I've spent time with my parents and sister who are always happy to see me.  And since its today I'm going to say it 'Happy Mother’s Day Mum', thank you for always being there for me, for always listening to me even if I don't have anything good to say.

Anyway so trip is over and tomorrow I will be back in Israel and the following day is the Israeli Election which I will be off to do my duty and vote as an Israeli Citizen and then back to work!!! Wish my holiday could continue for a bit longer, but it’s back to reality :-).  Hope you've enjoyed reading and be in touch soon.