Friday, 21 August 2015

Birthday Blog

Well as promised and almost two weeks on from my birthday, here is my latest blog about my birthday, life in general and the last year.

So keeping people up-to-date with things, I've really settled into my new place, even got myself a tablecloth to make the table look pretty and I've had house guests and visitors which is nice to have and see that people like the look of my new apartment.  Honestly can say I enjoy being here, its just the right size for me on my own, the neighbours keep to themselves so I have my little island of quiet in the big city of Tel Aviv.

Work is fine but generally quiet apart from my regular duties, I've expanded my knowledge by working with other departments including trademarks and also spent 4 days looking for a restaurant in Panama City, Panama for my Boss for a dinner he wants to hold when there is a big conference there in November... so I got to search Google and check out the restaurants in Panama City.  For all you that are Kosher there are Kosher places to eat, so you can now visit Panama City :-).

As for my Birthday which is part of the title here.  It was a good day, with the exception of having to go to work LOL.  Apparently most of the women in my office can't believe that I'm 38 as a few of them asked how old I was and when I said 38 were pretty much like 'no, seriously how old are you?'.  Then I had dinner with friends at UNO in Tel Aviv which was a good and fun evening and had a late birthday celebration at Mikes Place with friends at the beginning of this week which was fun.

Generally the year since my last Birthday has been good, a lot of changes and a lot ups and downs, highs and lows.  I changed jobs during the latter part of 2014 and sadly it didn't work out and for a brief period I was probably at my lowest as I strongly considered that when I came home in March for my cousins barmitzvah that I would not come back to Israel, but before that happened I found a new place to work and I've settled and except for somethings I enjoy the work and the people, but when people warn you before you start that you should not work there... then its probably a good idea to listen and I didn't but I knew I didn't want to stay in the role forever so in some ways its giving me the push and keeping from getting complacent and too settled in this role.  Unless a better position in the company is offered and retraining is involved I don't see myself staying on.

Living wise things have changed I've gone from living with a roommate, something I've always done from the day I went to University, to living on my own which is a very big change, but I think at 38 its something that has been a long time in coming and as mentioned I've had visitors and house guests including my parents visiting and giving their seal of approval.

Socially the year has been a bit of a jumble, part of the problem being the bad patch at the beginning of the year and then working a lot of hours in the new job that I've had days when I've had to cancel plans.  But I've gotten out and about, made friends and had fun times but probably could have done a lot more and I hope the next year I'm able to do more having moved back towards the centre of Tel Aviv.

Generally it has been a good year I feel, could have been better in a lot of ways but life is what you make of it and as I approach the 4th year anniversary of being here in Israel, I'm still here fighting to carve out a good life for myself and I know that I'm going to succeed, even with bumps along the way.


  1. I can't believe you've been there 4 years! that's crazy!

    1. Actually its nearly 4 years :-). October will be 4 years here. :-)
