Friday, 15 March 2019


So someone mentioned to me after reading my last blog that I've not mentioned that I have started cooking since I moved apartments.

The benefits of moving into a full apartment where I am on my own are great, I have my own space, no-one to tell me off for being too loud or eating something that they don't like. It’s great and best of all it has a proper kitchen.

Now I can cook and in years past I did cook occasionally, but over the years it definitely became a case of can cook, don't want too. However, moving into this new apartment for however long it lasts, gave me the opportunity to try and try I have.

I'm sure those of you who are on my Facebook have seen my pictures of my attempts at cooking. While most of the attempts might not look pretty, they're tasty and I'm still here lol. So far I've successfully made Chicken Soup and Kneidlach.  It wasn't perfect, but it worked and was tasty. I'm planning to try again tonight, so watch this space :-). 

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I have also tried to make meatballs, which didn't work as well as I hoped, but I know where I went wrong, so when I try again it should work. I also made most recent schnitzel, now the first couple of attempts did not go right, in fact they kind of looked like I had thrown them into the flame directly LOL.  So I had to throw them away and try again and while they might not be as perfect as others, they turned out okay.

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I'm pretty pleased with myself for now finding the time and trying to cook.  As I said to someone on my attempts, maybe they don't look perfect, but with time and practice, I'm sure I'll maybe have food good enough for others to eat.

Anyway if people have ideas for recipes and want to send them to me so I can attempt, feel free to do so.

Image may contain: food
Dinner with the schnitzels I made

Friday, 1 March 2019

Back to Blogging and changes

Hi all, so I haven't posted in a while been busy and feeling a bit out of sorts in terms of writing but I'm here and going to update you all on what's been going on.

First off at work today it was a day of farewells as two people left the company and I'm sorry to see them go, but happy they are going off to do their thing and change is always good.  Still it’s going to be weird to not see Meredith at work from Sunday, if not for her interviewing me almost 2 years ago and saying they wanted me to come back for a 2nd interview, I wouldn't be at the company now almost 2 years later, so I owe her a debt, for seeing something in me for wanting to bring me back for that second interview with the head of the department and for teaching me about the job and supporting me as I learnt the ropes and to settle into a new role. I will continue to do as she told me stay positive, be confident in what I'm doing and stay focused to continue to do a good job for the department and for the company.  Although sometimes that’s a lot harder said than done when you have a lot of work.

The other departure was also sad as a colleague whom I tended to share the lunch table with, has moved onto look for his new challenge and it will be weird for a while to not see him at the table in the kitchen, but I wish him luck.

Otherwise what's new, work is going fine and life in general is okay, a bit quiet socially but it’s been a decent couple of months so far.  Still weird though to be renting an apartment as big as the one I'm in and for the first time in ages I hosted a party and it was good fun.  Thinking that while I'm here another party maybe in order.

Anyway not much else to say, nothing really earth shattering to tell you, just wanted to really say hi and get some thoughts of the day out of my head and onto here. I hope all who read my blog are doing well.