Saturday, 8 December 2012

1st week done onto the next and the next

Well its been a busy week since I started my new job, I hope and well I want to believe that after 13 months in Israel and several other jobs I've finally found the job that is for me. It has been a lot of information and a lot of learning over the 5 days and in some cases I did feel pretty overwhelmed by it all, but I hope I've weathered the first week storm and now its smooth sailing and with each day I'll gain more knowledge and experience and become confident in this new job. Wish me luck. On the plus side everyone I've met at work are very nice and in someways that has made it easier for me to settle and learn.
Apart from the shock and slightly being overwhelmed by a new job. I've had a good evening out in Tel Aviv for a friends birthday, went to dinner with friends of the family in Modi'in and so really its been a fun week and I'm more than ready for the challenges that my new job is ready to throw at me.


  1. It actually is in paragraphs, but for some reason doesn't appear in paragraphs when it appears like this
