Friday, 6 December 2013

Chanukah and busy

Well it’s been a couple of weeks since I posted, which is pretty bad when I used to post every day, but lately there has not been much to report.

I've been working had as always, been a bit weird the last week of work as with it being Thanksgiving in the states it was quiet for a few days at the end of last week and the 1st few days of this past week were also quiet.  Still it’s nice to have a quiet time at work; I've been able to do some catch-up work on the data entry aspect of my job.  Also it’s been the Festival of Chanukah the last week which has meant Doughnuts hehe and a lot of them (so much for my diet).  The owner of my company has for every night of Chanukah that we were in work, arranged a Candle Lighting and some Doughnuts and biscuits for us all to enjoy.  So it’s nice diversion from work.

Apart from work going well, I've been busy seeing and spending time with friends so it’s nice that I'm getting out and about again after a couple of months where I seemed to be just spending my days going to work and home again.  Also gotten myself a new room-mate as my other room-mate has got herself a puppy.  Now as people probably know I'm not a dog person, never had pets growing up and my only real experience is having moved into places with people who already had dogs or cats.  Still I've enjoyed the first week and as you can see below, who couldn't love this one as she is so adorable.

So apart from that, all is going well, hope to hear from you soon, please leave any comments and thoughts.

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