Saturday, 5 July 2014

The Month that was June

So it’s been over a month since I properly posted, apart from the post earlier this week about the 3 Israeli Teens.  So I thought I would catch everyone up on what I have been up too.

Work has been pretty busy so that’s been keeping me busy the working week.  In just under two weeks though it will be 1 year since I started working there and that is pretty cool for me.  As most people know I've had more than a few jobs since I made aliyah, so having had this job for nearly a year feels like an achievement to me.

Socially I've been pretty busy the past month, plenty of fun with my friends.  A trip to Beersheva as well as attending a Nefesh B'Nefesh event the Negev Music Celebration in Arad which was a lot of fun, good music and good company.  I mean what more can you ask for on a weekend.  Also had the visit of friends from England which is always nice as I don't get to see many people from back home and it was great to see them and hang out and enjoy a nice weekend with good friends.  Managed to also get to Haifa to hang out with a good friend who I haven't seen in almost 9 months so that was good to have a nice catch up, hoping it’s not another 9 months before that happens.

Also spent more time exercising, mostly a lot of walking, but also started to do push-ups, squats as well as bits and pieces.  Back doing Yoga after a nearly a month off, though found it very hard both times I've been since I went back, but I'm determined to keep doing it as I enjoy it a lot.  Finally also attended the wedding of my friends Laura and Jeiro and it was a good night as I got to see good friends married and to see some friends from my Ulpan whom I've not seen for a while.

Also its the World Cup, but I not talking about England or their laughable performance... nope not doing it... okay they were horrible and I think a pub team could have played with more pride and passion than they did, but still you got to be in the tournament and it’s been a good one really, interesting to watch and I still not sure who will win, but I would love to Netherlands do it, having beaten Spain in impressive fashion in the 1st game.

Well that’s all from me, don't be strangers, let me know how things are with you, what's new?  And I will speak with you all soon.

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