Monday, 30 June 2014

Can there ever be peace?

Originally I was going to post about the 3 missing Israeli teens and the hope that they would be found and safely returned to their families.  Sadly tonight as we found out, they have found 3 bodies.  Three teenage boys lives cut short by terrorism, hatred or just plain evil.

I'm not even sure what I can really say, to think that the lives of teenagers were snuffed out for no reason, just because they believe differently.  It is beyond belief that we cannot get along, after all this is the 21st Century, not the Dark ages.  We make leaps and bounds in technology and yet we cannot overcome hatred of other because they are different, because their religious beliefs do not match their own.

I don't want to hate the people who did this, I don't want to hate anyone, it is all so senseless to hate.  But in some ways there is no end to this, after all how can you reason with people who do not seem to value life.  I want to believe that peaceful co-existence will happen one day, I have to believe, but every day I fear it grows more distant.

Can Peace in the Middle-East ever be achieved?  It will take someone far smarter than me to answer that question, if there is.

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