Saturday, 30 April 2016

Passover, personal anniversary's and life in general.

I recently made myself a promise that I would blog more, I haven't done so for age and I feel like I should, even if its a bit of nonsense.

Anyway we've reached the end of Passover here in Israel, because of the way it fell though instead of 7 days which is the normal for Israel, we had 8 days like in Diaspora, so just like everyone back in England, I'm stuck eating crumbling cardboard for another day.  However if you don't care about the holiday and have done the bare minimum, its back to normal food from last night or even before.  Most stores here in Israel during this week have cabinets and shelves taped off because they won't sell the normal stuff and only Kosher for Passover, but out of curiosity last night while walking home I popped into AM:PM and unsurprisingly all the cabinets are back in business and people were buying bread.

I don't have an issue with anyone who doesn't observe or keep the Chaggim, its your own choice, for me while I'm not the perfect Jews, I still want to do the right thing.  So for the last 8 days, I've used plastic knives and forks, plastic plates and instead of my usual dinners, gotten slightly creative and also buried Matzoh in anything I could find to get rid of the bad taste.  Matzoh it looks like crackers, tastes like cardboard and goes everywhere.  I think after every meal I've had to sweep up the remains of my dinner because it goes all over the place.

Usually I go to England for Passover, spend time with the family and take a break from Israel for 10 days, this time I'm here and its been okay, I've taken time away from work and relaxed.  Also managed to enjoy a meal or two in Kosher for Passover places which I have gone too when its not Passover, nice to have a menu catering for this week.  Mikes Place nearest me went Kosher a few months ago and I was delighted when I was in the area last Tuesday to be able to go in and have a Burger and Chips Kosher for Passover... sadly no Beer to wash it down... not available because of Passover.

Anyway Passover is done for another year and moving on, I've had a couple of personal anniversaries in the last week.  Last Sunday was 4 and a half years since I made Aliyah, and yes some things still have not gone my way and I'm still working on things but I'm getting there slowly, but surely.  I'm also celebrating over 15 months in my current job, which is the longest I've been in a job and also a hell of an achievement, (people who know me, know what my office is like will understand why its an achievement).

Otherwise I haven't had much chance to socialize as a result of busy work life.  Hoping that will change and I'm also having to plan for moving in a months time as my year is up and I want to move as the rent is going up and I don't want to have to pay the increase, so I'm on the hunt for a new place, hopefully big enough that I can have visitors over to hangout and my Parents to stay.

Its all going good at the moment for the most part, hope to catch up with you all soon, in the meantime I bid you שבוע טוב.

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