Saturday, 14 May 2016

Feeling the heat and frustration

Well following on from my post a few weeks, I'm going to say things have not totally going my way lately and its being tough. I should apologise and to anyone concerned after my mini meltdown on Facebook at the beginning of the week, I am okay just tired and a little frustrated with things at the moment.  They always say its darkest before the dawn, but for the moment I can't seem to see the dawn for me.

As some of you know I've been looking for a new job as the current position which I have been in for nearly 16 months... actually my longest position ever in a job in Israel so go me.... Is rapidly becoming a place I loathe and detest going.... yep I could say that about most jobs after a while.  But my place of work is a special place and while most of the people are generally good people and nice to talk to, there are certain people who make the environment not nice and I have really had enough of being there.  I am looking for a new job and I have had interviews a plenty since I started looking, its just I seem to always fall at that hurdle, mostly the reasons being 'we decided to go in a different direction' or 'we wanted someone with more experience' In response to that, how do you get experience if no-one will give you the job.  Still I keep persevering and hoping that someone will eventually see I have the potential to be good and do a good job at their firm.

The 2nd frustration was the thought of having to search and move home again, but that is actually less of a frustration now and more of a nearly past the post.  Thanks to a work colleague and friend I saw an apartment on Monday and then met the neighbour the following day and all being well I will have signed the contract by tomorrow or Monday and will be as of June 1st a resident of Ramat Gan.  I am certainly getting around the area, having lived in North, South and the Center of Tel Aviv.  Maybe one day I will find a place to settle down permanently, but for now here I am.

3rd frustration is my social life, which probably ties into frustration number 1, as with the job although I have set hours, it seems like more often than not I don't work those hours and then I'm there longer and I miss out on events and meeting people, seeing friends and its tough seeing friends having fun on Facebook and me having missed out because I had to work an extra hour or so... I also feel like sometimes my friends forget about me because maybe I don't make enough noise, but there are times when I feel excluded and its sad to think my life is work, home, work, home and repeat.

I don't know maybe tomorrow will be the day everything changes, I live in hope that one day I will have everything I am searching for.  On the happy side I'm delighted for my friends Catherine and James who welcomed their first child Scarlett Rose Angel into the world a couple of weeks ago.  I know you two will be great parents and I hope I can get over to the UK soon enough to see and meet her.  Oh and there is the matter of Hull City, being 90 minutes away from Wembley again and 180 minutes away from being back in the Premier League.  Come on City.

Anyway I've rambled on for a bit, voiced my frustrations... I'm hungry, going to make dinner. Speak soon.


  1. I can totally relate to the work thing. There are just some people that insist on not making it enjoyable for you. I find it ludicrous really, truth be told no one really wants to be there, so why not just be pleasant to one another, knuckle down and get on with it. Did you manage to sign all the documents and what not ready for your apartment? Can you speak to your work about hours running over?

  2. Yes I did sign the contracts, there was a slight drama yesterday with something but its all sorted. Officially I am living there now according to contract, but won't fully move in before 31st May. And work is silly they keep not wanting us to do overtime but then when we ask to leave, we get told we can't leave so we do overtime.... apparently logic is not the strong point

  3. I hope things get better at work and good luck with the move :)

  4. I hope things get better at work and good luck with the move :)
