Saturday, 21 May 2016

Why am I here

Its an interesting question Why am I here? in this case and this time it refers to why am I in Israel.  I think I've answered that question over my time here, usually in Interviews its the first question I have been asked.  But have I fully ever explained to people, to my friends why I am here. I am going to try and do that now, I hope it makes sense.

My decision actually came about after a conversation with my Mum about 7 years ago, Network Rail who I was working for at the time in 2009 and had decided to build a new office in Milton Keynes and close a lot of the offices in London.  As a result staff were being expected to journey there every day.  Obviously I did not want to move closer to Milton Keynes, living where I was, I was in a Jewish area, surrounded by friends and places I liked to go to.  I could see the possibility of being made redundant from my job and during that time it was very difficult to get a job.  So after job hunting without success for a while, a weekend visit to my parents I chatted with my parents and they said 'What about Israel'?

What about Israel, that's the question, I knew people that were already living in Israel, but had I considered making aliyah, giving up everything to move to a different country to start again.  However, the idea must have been in my head because the more I thought about it, the more I looked into it, the more it seemed like something I wanted to do.  I had been to Israel on family holiday and two summers in-between University and it must have always been in my head because I started the process.

Anyway time progressed and we got closer to when I would come to Israel, but even in my head I still had the idea that I probably would stay in England if the right job came along, with good prospects, money etc.  But June/July 2011 my Managers at Network Rail gave me the catalyst to turn round and say I'm coming to Israel and I know it will be hard and maybe I won't make it, but at least I if that happens I can come back saying I wanted to do it, I did it and okay didn't work out, but I tried and stepped out of my comfort zone.

I came to Israel because I'm proud to be Jewish, proud of this country I live in and everything it has achieved.  Do I believe I will make it here.  I know recently those who read my blog last week and seen my Facebook posts are probably wondering if I am doing okay, all I know is I'm being challenged and maybe I've bent a little on the weight of the challenges, but I'm not broken and I will make it here.


  1. Ahh thanks for that. I was just being nosey, but great to read about it. You will make it!

    1. Glad you like, hope you'll enjoy more :-)
