Wednesday, 24 October 2018

7 years on Aliyahversary

So I've been thinking about this post. As to what I would write on the occasion of my Aliyaversary. It has been 7 years since I moved to Israel to start a new life and a lot has happened and a lot has not happened.

It’s funny, a friend's first reaction upon the news of my impending move to Israel was 'you're going to get blown up'.... my reply was to tell him that “I was more likely to die of a car accident.” The irony here is about 2 months into my new life in Israel I did get hit by a car. Fortunately a few bruises and a tetanus shot was all I needed.

So what can I say about the last 7 years, what have I got to show for it, 7 years or 2555 days. In that time I completed 5 months of Ulpan and my Hebrew is still not fantastic. I am working to improve it though, but I should be more fluent after 7 years.

After Ulpan I worked 9 different jobs, 6 of them weren't really proper jobs just short-term positions or I sucked at them and was shown the door. The last 2 before my current job, were certainly interesting. Can't say much about what happened about the job in Binyamina but a lot of people know why I only stayed 18 months there... still wonder if the business is still there. Then there is my 2 and a half years at the IP Law Firm, where I was fired, un-fired and given a second chance. Then I was told about 7 times in the space of a few weeks that I had one last chance and received emails regarding work with language that is not professional. I was treated with zero respect so by the time I finally escaped it wasn't a relief as I felt I had no self-worth or value as a contributing person to another job.

It’s taken nearly 18 months at my current job to even feel like I'm doing a good job and I was told last week that they are satisfied with my performance. They appear to like me which I suppose is good, even if I do still feel a little like an outsider sometimes.

Over 7 years, 4 different cities and 6 different places I've lived in since I got here. 5 months in the dorms in Haifa during Ulpan. 1 year in Rishon LeZion... again ironic that I lived in Rishon and was about 20 minutes’ walk from Moroccanoil, my current job. Funny to think that a number of years after I moved to Tel Aviv for work, I'm now living in Ramat Gan and working in Rishon.

So yeah, a year in Rishon before moving to near the beach in Tel Aviv for 6 months which quite frankly was a last chance as I'd been unemployed for 6 months and I wasn't sure if would be able to stay. Fortunately in those 6 months I found a short term job and then a more permanent role that made me feel like I might actually make it here. After my 6 months were up I wanted to move on, quite frankly if the apartment was destroyed, only the dirt would have survived. But I digress, I moved in with a friend in Ramat Aviv and lived there for over 18 months alongside her and for the last 6 months of my time there on my own. It was good if a little out of the way from a social point of view. Then I moved to South Tel Aviv into a place of my own. A nice apartment but a shame about the area and after a year there I moved to Ramat Gan where I've been for over 2 years now. Again a nice apartment with a good location and access to Tel Aviv. Still my time in this apartment is coming to an end as I have to move at the end of the year. Pretty sure I want to stay in Ramat Gan though.

Socially I'm not sure if it’s better than I had in London, I think maybe, I get out more than I probably did, but I do still feel a little isolated or alone but I'm getting out there. I just have to get out more and be more confident.

So after 7 years, I've certainly done some things, not sure if I've accomplished a lot. I know a lot of the people I made Aliya at the same time as have moved on, some back to England and some are still here. People still ask me why I am here, why do I stay and it’s a good question.

1 comment:

  1. After reading it, I must say that your journey is fascinating and you are made of material stronger than iron. I hope that these were the tough seven years and from now it will get better.
