Friday, 27 April 2012

Memorial Day and Independence Day

Well its been a busy few days and now the weekend, or rather a long weekend here in Israel, on Tuesday night till Wednesday Evening it was Yom Hazikaron a day to remember those soldiers who have given their life for the protection of Israel and the civilians who also died during the years. It starts with the siren going at 8pm and lasting a minute, sees everything just stop, even cars, come to a halt and the drivers get out to observe the minute and there is a second silence at 11am the following day and the same happens. From someone who has never been in the country around now, its quite an amazing sight to see, that for just a few minutes there is silence. From the night fall of the day of Yom Hazikaron, its quite different as Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day) begins here in Israel and its time to party, for me and my room-mate we attended 2 local parties, with music and stalls of food and kids having fun and fireworks going off and the parties going on long into the night. Yesterday on Yom Ha'atzmaut Day, I was invited to two Barbecue's, one here in Rishon after getting in contact with some fellow English Speakers, so that was fun to go to and I made some contacts as well, so that may help me down the road as I settle in here in Rishon. Then it was off with my roomie to a BBQ in Tel Aviv, both for Independence Day and for a birthday as well. One thing I noticed, wherever I walked and there was a park or somewhere nice to sit, there were people, enjoying the weather, the day and having their own barbecue's. From someone who has never seen this before, it was amazing to see and I hope that this is the first of many times I get to see this.

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

6 Months on

Well its been 6 months since I made Aliyah, still feels like only a few minutes since I boarded the plane to come here, its amazing how fast the time has gone, done so much in my 1st 6 months in the country. Started to learn the language, explore the country and make some really good new friends and have a lot of fun. It has been a lot of fun the last 6 months, but the hard work begins, I've got an amazing place here in Rishon LeZion near Tel Aviv, all I need now is a job and got to say I've had more interviews in the past 2 months of searching than I had back in England in nearly 5 years. Not sure what that says about the employment situation in the UK, but still, I'm not employed yet, but soon, someone will take the chance on me, like I did taking the chance coming here and when it does, I'm going to grab the opportunity with both hands, so look out job wherever you are, I'm coming to get you.

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Hello England, Goodbye England and Hello Israel

Well its been a busyish couple of weeks, moved from Haifa to Rishon LeZion and then after a few days of settling in, it was off back to England for Pesach and see my parents and sister. It was a pretty quiet 12 days back with my family in Manchester, one difficulty of Pesach is not being able to go out to many places without taking food with us, so it was nice to kind of relax at home, watch english television and enjoy some quiet. I did see my cousins twice and that was nice and also went with my sister to see Hull City play, I still have a perfect record for games attended this season in that I've been to 5 and not seen them lose if I've been there... maybe if I'd been to more before I left we would have made the play-offs LOL.

Anyway as of yesterday evening I'm back in Israel and its nice to be back here, a lot warmer than England is. Today was a day of doing a lot of my administration things from having moved and most of them have been done, I just have a few things left to do tomorrow and in the next week or so. But now the hard part comes and the part that scares me finding working so I can pay and stay in Israel, I'm applying for jobs as I see them and if I feel I have a chance of getting somewhere, I'm even hoping to find somewhere to print off my CV'S so I can go round all of the stores in the Malls here in Rishon. Ideally I'd love a job at Cinema City, but I'd just as soon settle for a job as a shelf stacker, if only to help pay the bills while I find something more to my liking. So please keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck... oh and if you happen to win the lottery, send me a few quid please LOL.

Friday, 6 April 2012

Goodbye Haifa, Hello Rishon

Well it has happened, I've now moved from Haifa to Rishon LeZion near Tel Aviv. I drove myself and my new roomie Jovana in a car full of our stuff.. A bit scary to not only drive in Israel, but also drive a fair distance in a very full car, but I made it, I think once I got out on the main roads I was a lot more comfortable driving. After arriving and dropping our stuff off in the apartment, we took a trip to IKEA in Rishon to buy various bits needed for the apartment and finally before settling down a trip to a supermarket to buy various bits. Monday saw me return the car to the firm we had hired from and that was weird as this time I drove on my own and not with an instructor or even my friend. But I managed it and in some ways it proves that I can drive in Israel, I just need a bit of practice.

Following that Monday and Tuesday were spent getting the apartment suitable for us to live in it. It was clean but Jovana gave it a clean for her standards :-). And so far before I left the apartment on Wednesday, we had received all we ordered, with the exception of the Television and organising the Television, Phone and internet package. Also on Monday I actually returned to Haifa to pick up the last few bits we had left behind in Haifa and also retrieve a friend of ours Hena who was coming to stay for a couple of nights before she and I flew back to Manchester for Pesach.

Yep that is right people I've said goodbye to Israel for 12 days and returned to England to collect my DVD player and Playstation 3 and more DVDS...... okay and visit my parents and sister LOL. I've been back since Wednesday evening and it feels a bit weird to be back, I know only 5 months have passed, but still very strange to be back. Still its good to see the family. Then its back to Israel to continue my new life and find myself a job, fingers crossed I won't be too long out of work when I get back... though I will have my PS3, so I shouldn't get bored lol.

Finally Happy Easter and Chag Sameach