Saturday, 29 September 2012

Yom Kippur and is anyone reading this

Well had my 1st Yom Kippur here and I survived it lol. Now the fasting part was easy, I think what got me was the walking part, where 3 times in the actual day of Yom Kippur I ended up walking to and from where I was attending services which usually wouldn't be a problem, but when your not eating or drinking it does have it downside. Otherwise I enjoyed the service it was slightly different to what I was used to and I'm not sure if I would go there again, though I was made to feel very welcome which was nice. Also they had a break in the middle of the day which is something new. But we shall see as I said to someone I have to find the right fit for me for when I go to synagogue. The other really interesting thing is in Israel everything just stops over the 25 hour period. As I was walking to services there were still cars on the road, but by the time I walked home at 7pm the only cars on the road were either Ambulances or Police Cars. Instead of the usual traffic there were kids aplenty on bikes, with people walking in the road and even on the highway. So very strange to see that as well as on a normal day the idea of walking/cycling on the road would be sheer lunancy.... (okay I've managed to get lunancy in a blog..nice) But seriously I would have loved to have taken a picture of it all, but as I don't carry my phone on Yom Kippur I couldn't which is a shame, but having seen other people's pics it does look very strange. Apart from that work is good, slightly changed from what we were originally doing, but still similiar. I'm still trying to find my style for this job and I hope that this week I will find the style and confidence with it. But otherwise it feels like a nice place to work and I'm working with a good team of people, (majority is young ladies) so I hope that though this job is temporary it will become full-time at the end of the year. And the other thing in my title is, I am wondering if people are reading this blog, I know a few people have commented but they are few and far between. I started the blog as a way for people friends and family to know what's going on with me now that i'm in a new country. I'm not insisting on replies, but it would be nice to have a few comments on what's I'm posting just to know that I'm not writing this just for myself.

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

1st Rosh Hashana

Well my 1st Rosh Hashana here and it felt a bit weird as this is the first time I've been away from my family at Rosh Hashana. Even back in days when I was still in London, most of the time I would be at my parents for the holidays or if not I was at least in the same country. Still it felt very weird to be here and not with family. Still I went to the Massorti for services and also via them had hospitally for both day's lunch and Erev Hag Dinner, so worth the walk to get there :-) I'm really looking forward to seeing what it is like here for Yom Kippur, I've been told that there are no cars on the road at all except for Police and Ambulances so to have a brief period where there is silence and no car horns and no screeching tyres will be interesting to see. Anyway what else to tell you since last I blogged and pretty much nothing else to tell you, back to work tomorrow and while I'm glad to be working, its good for a short week as well :-). And at least in my position I'm dealing with the UK so I don't have to worry about understanding someone or them understanding me. I think the most amusing thing is 1 of my fellow employees is a girl I made aliyah with nearly 12 months ago so that is kind of cool. Otherwise, 1 friend has moved to Rishon in the last 2 weeks and a friend also looking to move here... The Brits are taking over Rishon. Seriously though it will be nice to have a few more friendly faces in the area and to hang out with as well Oh forgot this, went into work last Monday and there was gifts from the company I am working for and for the Recruitment Agency who I am officially working through for Rosh Hashana. Needless to say I have a lot of chocolate now and a bottle of wine. Plus some bathroom stuff. But I think very cool. Anyway hope everyone has had a great and happy Jewish New Year and you all have a safe and easy fast. Shana Tova.

Saturday, 8 September 2012

This title is a temporary

Long time since I blogged, a lot has happened since the last time. Since the last one I've changed jobs, started a few days ago and I think I will like it once the training is done, a lot of information and I think my head exploded at one point... so any flying brains you saw during Wednesday was mine!!! Its only a temp job, but decent wage for it and maybe it will be permanent... we will see. Otherwise, I've been out with friends, had a few dates, got a new Kindle as the old broke... broken my phone :-(.... I actually had a dream a few weeks ago about my phone being broken so its kind of come true if not the damage that was in my dream. Apart from that sorted myself out for plans for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Also going this week to the Israel versus Russia World Cup qualifier so that will be cool and hopefully it will be an Israel win. Anyway sorry for the rambling post, felt I should let people know I still here, still alive. Hope to speak from you soon, comment please