Saturday 8 September 2012

This title is a temporary

Long time since I blogged, a lot has happened since the last time. Since the last one I've changed jobs, started a few days ago and I think I will like it once the training is done, a lot of information and I think my head exploded at one point... so any flying brains you saw during Wednesday was mine!!! Its only a temp job, but decent wage for it and maybe it will be permanent... we will see. Otherwise, I've been out with friends, had a few dates, got a new Kindle as the old broke... broken my phone :-(.... I actually had a dream a few weeks ago about my phone being broken so its kind of come true if not the damage that was in my dream. Apart from that sorted myself out for plans for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Also going this week to the Israel versus Russia World Cup qualifier so that will be cool and hopefully it will be an Israel win. Anyway sorry for the rambling post, felt I should let people know I still here, still alive. Hope to speak from you soon, comment please


  1. Are you going to wear your Hull City shirt and carry a poster saying 'Hello Mum' ?!!!!!

  2. Now that be cool... maybe I should
