Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Pesach Time

I suddenly realised with everything that has been going on lately its March 26th and my last post was 7th March. So here I am checking in. For those of you who are on my Facebook will have seen lately things haven't been going my way, but I am hoping that everything has turned a corner in the last week with finding a room in apartment in Tel Aviv which I will move into next week so that's one stress relief there. Still got to do the whole packing and everything but I've already started that and hope to be ready to move by the end of the week, though I have to do a bit of apartment hoping for 5 days before moving into my new place... really does bring meaning to the phrase Wandering Jew.
On other fronts, I'm still searching for my niche and hopefully with moving into Tel Aviv things will settle down and I'll finally find my path here in Israel... At least my new apartment is only 5 minutes from the beach so while I try to find myself I can top up my tan!!!
This week in Israel it’s the Jewish holiday of Pesach celebrating the freedom of the Israelites from Egypt. Usually I'm in England and with my family for this period so this is a new experience to be here in Israel away from my family and having to fend for myself. So last week I ended up purchasing enough food and plastic plates and knives and forks to manage for the period of Pesach. At least with plastic cutlery and crockery it saves on washing up LOL. Still it feels weird to be here without my family and I really miss them. Last night was the Seder night and for this year I attended a Seder organised in Tel Aviv at one of the Synagogues. It was a nice time and I actually found out that the Rabbi who organised the Seder is the Rabbi for the synagogue we were in and it is very close to where I will be living so it works out really good for me and I intended to make myself known when I get to Tel Aviv if not before.
Apart from the stress of moving and trying to find a job and establish myself I've been feeling a bit like this is the toughest period I've had in Israel, hopefully like the Israelites coming out of Egypt I'm coming out of the tough period and it will only get easier as the next few weeks and months go on. For now Chag Sameach and Happy Easter to my non-Jewish friends.

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