Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Heading Home or How I spent my last couple of days of holiday

So I'm in the last few hours of my holiday, before I head to the airport in the early hours and fly back home to Israel.

It’s been a nice time, disappointing in that I wasn't able to see people due to Passover, but still nice to see the family and I did manage to catch up with a couple of people over the weekend and finally have a long chat with a friend who I worked with at Network Rail, so that was nice. 

So anyway the last two days have been busy enough, yesterday was the last day of Passover in the UK. If I was in Israel, it would have been over on Monday night.  But as I was in the UK, I observed the 8th day, breaking it last night with a muffin and some chocolate from an Easter egg.  Also we visited Tesco's after the festival was over.  It’s quite interesting being there after 9pm seeing all the people coming in.  

Today I went with my parents to the Trafford Centre, went around the shops, bought a case for my new sunglasses and a Blu-ray, had lunch out as well which was nice and then just come back from a nice dinner of Bangers and Mash at JS Restaurant  with a starter of breaded mushrooms :-).  Very tasty. 

Now it’s back at my parents, relaxing before an early start.

I have to say it’s tough to head back, I think everyone kind of feels that way when they're ending a holiday. But being back with the parents was good.

Anyway, back home tomorrow and back to reality.  

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