Saturday, 13 May 2017

The Good, The Bad and all that's inbetween

Its been a few weeks since I blogged, nearly a month actually, oops how time flies when you are having fun or not having fun LOL.

So I thought I'd start with the stuff that is bugging me lately and I know I've mentioned it before but it still feels a real concern or issue for me.  The lack of social life and feeling excluded by friends, I know people will say that my job of the last 2 years has been the cause of a lot of my lack of social life, with working long hours and sometimes awkward hours and it is that.  But its also the fact I feel sometimes I don't hear from people unless its for something they need and yeah last few weeks I've been fortunate to be invited and actually able to attend a few things and have a good weekend.  But it really feels like its far and few between, there are many weekends when I am just at home, sat by myself at home or in the park reading.  Now I love reading and I don't mind doing that, but it would be nice to have the phone ring and people say we're going out in a couple of hours to have dinner or go sit in a bar, wanna come.  And friends whom I made even in my office, throwing out the old platitude about staying in touch and it doesn't happen.  Its tough, its very tough and sometimes I feel like shutting myself away from the outside world as if anyone would actually notice.

Maybe its just a mood at the moment as I had sad news from back home on Thursday as a member of the Hull Jewish Community passed away on Wednesday Max Gold Solicitor and former Chairman of Hull Kingston Rovers.. (okay I was more a fan of the other Rugby club in the town but still!!) And a memory of him that will always remain is from my bar mitzvah when he made a speech and pointed out that he and my Dad and one other had grown up in prams together.  I also had the pleasure of spending 2 weeks unpaid work experience at his firm back in my younger days.  Its somewhat ironic that I only did it because I needed to do something for the work experience and now I've spent the last 2 years working in a Law Firm in Israel and I'm going onto work in a legal department elsewhere in June.

Onto the good, my cousin Joel and his wife Rebekah welcomed a little boy into the world and I'm looking forward to meet my new cousin this coming week.  I wish Joel and Rebekah and all Mazal Tov :-).

Personal news, although if you are on my Facebook, you already know, I've got a new job.  Starting 3 weeks tomorrow I will be working in the Legal Department of a Haircare company. Its administrative and paralegal work, so it will be a new challenge and yes I'm nervous, but I hope my experience at the current place of work will hold me in good stead and allow me to not only settle but thrive there.

Also thinking about my birthday in just under 13 weeks now, its a big one... not mentioning the number but most of you probably know how old I am.  And since its one of those birthdays I want to do something good for it... So for those of you out there, who actually read this, put your thinking caps on and send me your ideas...

Right I am off to stare a the television screen and hope Sunderland can do to Swansea what they did to Hull last week, because if they don't, I think its back to the Championship for us again.... Come on Sunderland..... yeah I said it... I feel bad now.....need something to take away the feeling of wanting them to win out of mouth..oh good I have chocolate.

yes I'm rambling... but who would be a football fan.  Comment, get in touch, you know the drill. Bye all.

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