Sunday, 30 September 2018

Fitting in

So I weighed about posting this one. Just something that is bothering me and if people read this they may not like what I have to say, some might agree or might not agree and some might not even care. This is something that has always bothered me, that generally I don't fit in anywhere. I mean yeah, I get out and about and I do have a social life but sometimes it feels like there are long periods where I hear very little from anyone unless its me reaching out and I'm tired of chasing after people. I think it stems from my social circles and heck even work, I don't feel like I fit in. Now I think you'll say well you should fit in, hang out with the singles you know, but the fact is most of the single are younger than me and I just don't fit in... the proverbial round peg in a square hole. I also sometimes feel a little ignored or unnoticed. That people don't see me even when I'm there and I know I can be a little awkward around people. Sometimes I'm better off not talking. I sometimes feel, even in a crowd of people, like I'm the outsider. Standing there trying to be noticed, to be included.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Summers here and going and Birthday

So, I wanted to update earlier this month, unfortunately I got distracted and forgot lol.  But here I am...

So since I last posted, not much as really happened, I did have a birthday and it was fun, nice to get out of the area and have a party and dinner with friends down south and I appreciate my friends who hosted me and the ones who came making the time for me.  I also got to play Dungeons & Dragons for the first time.  It was pretty fun, not sure its a me thing, despite my passion for science fiction and fantasy, but still nice way to spend the afternoon.

Generally its gone back to being quiet as Hamas seem to have run out of rockets... but as usual it will probably kick off again soon and I don't think the fire kites have actually stopped.

Work has a bit up and down for me and a little tough.  Things are okay but by my own admission I've been a little sloppy of late and I've had the typical good and bad days at work... Still I'm doing well in the job and even if I am making a few mistakes, its very nice to not have rude emails and shouting in response.

Socially its been fairly up and down as well, I want to get out more, but I kind of feel socially awkward going to new things, especially as it always seems that everyone else knows each other and I find it tough to be part of a group.  Also doesn't help that pretty much all of my friends are now either serious relationships, getting married, married or married and kids.  Surprised I haven't had anyone start saying to me that I should be settling down... which yes I know... still I'm doing my best.  Looking forward to September as with the Chaggim it means a lot of time out of work and I intend to enjoy it as best I can.

For now that's all folks.

Chaggim, holidays and life

So it’s been a while since I properly updated.  I think life has just kind of gotten in the way, or I've had nothing much to say/write.

First of all I would also like to thank my Uncle and Aunt for hosting me over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, it was greatly appreciated.

With those two Chaggim done it’s now onto Sukkot and as such I am now on holiday from work until October :-).  Like Sukkot last year and as with Passover the company office here in Israel closes for all of Sukkot. I'll be honest I'm still finding it a little weird actually to get used to.  Though I suppose it is something you get used to. However, growing up in the UK, I would usually only ever have off the main days of the Chaggim, I never had the in-between period off... unless you count Passover when it fell over the Easter holidays while I was in school/university.  Still it’s nice to have this break, it really has been a while since I've had more than a few days break in a row.

Not sure what I will do for all of the time off, but I'm heading to spend Friday Afternoon through Sunday morning down in the south of Israel with friends to celebrate one of my best friends birthdays, so even though it’s not for a couple more days Happy Birthday Melissa, I hope you have an amazing year ahead and thank you for always being there to listen to me.

After Sukkot on Sunday/Monday, I'm Jerusalem bound to meet at least 1 friend on Tuesday and hang out in their Sukkah.  Also hopefully will get chance to see a former work colleague and meet their little girl, so I have things to do.  There is also the Icon Festival taking place Tuesday through Thursday.  Which basically caters for the geek in me.  So I will find things to do.

What else is there going on, well I've bought my ticket to fly to England for Passover next year.  Planning to take 2 and a half weeks to see the family and hopefully catch up with friends down in London.  As my 1st week will not be doing much because of Passover, I don't really need many plans.  But for the rest of my time there I for sure want things to do rather than just hanging out at my parents place.  So if people have things I can do in Manchester or the local area, please let me know.
There isn't much else to report, something rattling around in my head, but I'm trying to be more positive this year and not focus on the negative, maybe I will write about them... but for now they are staying locked up in back of my head where I can't hear them. So for now, I bid you all a good-bye.