Friday, 21 September 2018

Summers here and going and Birthday

So, I wanted to update earlier this month, unfortunately I got distracted and forgot lol.  But here I am...

So since I last posted, not much as really happened, I did have a birthday and it was fun, nice to get out of the area and have a party and dinner with friends down south and I appreciate my friends who hosted me and the ones who came making the time for me.  I also got to play Dungeons & Dragons for the first time.  It was pretty fun, not sure its a me thing, despite my passion for science fiction and fantasy, but still nice way to spend the afternoon.

Generally its gone back to being quiet as Hamas seem to have run out of rockets... but as usual it will probably kick off again soon and I don't think the fire kites have actually stopped.

Work has a bit up and down for me and a little tough.  Things are okay but by my own admission I've been a little sloppy of late and I've had the typical good and bad days at work... Still I'm doing well in the job and even if I am making a few mistakes, its very nice to not have rude emails and shouting in response.

Socially its been fairly up and down as well, I want to get out more, but I kind of feel socially awkward going to new things, especially as it always seems that everyone else knows each other and I find it tough to be part of a group.  Also doesn't help that pretty much all of my friends are now either serious relationships, getting married, married or married and kids.  Surprised I haven't had anyone start saying to me that I should be settling down... which yes I know... still I'm doing my best.  Looking forward to September as with the Chaggim it means a lot of time out of work and I intend to enjoy it as best I can.

For now that's all folks.

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