Saturday, 13 July 2013

Plodding along and Perserverance

Hello all hope you are enjoying the lovely warm weather in the UK at the moment as well as those who are here in Israel enjoying the summer. I have to say the novelty of that I live practically on top of the beach has kind of worn off me, hey I still go, but when its only a few minutes away it doesn't seem to have the same appeal as a day out when you know you can walk for 5 minutes and there is the beach.
Not much to report since the last blog post, I've continued to job hunt and I'm applying for at least 6 jobs a day I believe, with all of the ones I'm applying for it is hard to keep track of them all LOL. Interviews on the other hands seem far and few between, I do have one tomorrow though, so keep your fingers crossed for me. I honestly don't know what it is, I'm applying for jobs I'm more than qualified for, but not getting replies or when I follow up, the position has been filled. I know in some cases maybe the experience I have is different from what they want, but I've always said I'm willing to do anything and I can be trained
Socially I have been having a bit of fun this week, with going to a Connect TLV Movie night, Hebrew film with English subtitles, pretty cool film and I got to hang out with people after the night. Wednesday I went to an event also very nice if a bit crowded, I think the location itself was a bit small for the amount of people they had there. Thursday I was in Jerusalem visiting with a friend for the morning and having not seen her in a good few years it was nice to see her. Friday was very busy, I got to hang out with my ex-roomie as I was in Rishon for a while and then I had a lovely evening with friends and today, been to the beach to celebrate a friend’s 2 year anniversary of being in Israel.
So I've been busy, I'm still job hunting and still hoping for that lucky break, so if you read this, please send some good thoughts my way that I'll find the right job and if you can't do that send me cash hehe. One final and minor request, I know people are looking at my blog, but a few comments would be nice, just to know you are actually reading and I'm not talking to myself. Anyway hope you enjoyed reading, speak with you all soon.

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