Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Visitor, Job Searching and Staying Positive

Well it’s been a couple of weeks since I blogged and I'm sorry that I haven't as I know people are hanging on every word I write.
So I've had a visitor for 10 days staying with me. Always nice to see a friend from home... especially since she brought me Bourbon Biscuits :-). But it was fun to have a visitor from home, even though I was a bit distracted with the ongoing search for work. Sadly I've finished my time at Playtech so I'm now back to full-time job hunting, as it stands I've applied for about 16 jobs since I left Playtech a week ago. Unfortunately I've heard back from two in the non-positive way. Still more to hopefully hear back from and all I need is one to come back and want me to work for them.
One thing I did last week with my friend was visit Jerusalem and visit the Biblical Zoo which is somewhere I've never been too. So for me and my two friends it was a nice day as we spent just over 5 hours there, going round the zoo and taking pictures of all the animals. Following on from that we went to the Kottel and I felt it was right to do at the time as it’s the first time I've been there in a few months and this past Friday was the Hebrew anniversary of my Grandpa's passing and I wanted to go there. Pictures from the trip to the Zoo and the Kottel are on my Facebook profile.
Apart from the trip to Jerusalem and hanging with friends, including a trip to IKEA, its job searching and trying to be as financially cautious as possible, until I have the elusive permanent job. Anyway that is it for now and I hope to hear from you all soon.

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