Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Losing Weight

Something I don't think I've mentioned in my blogs recently is that over the past 6 months I've lost just over 5kg in weight.

It all started in January after a blood test, the Doctor informed that the results while not dangerously high, certain things had come back over the top range that they should be. As a result of that the Doctor advised me to go to see a Dietitian.  So on a cool February morning I went along to the Dietitian expecting to be told, 'you can't eat this, don't eat that, don't do this' and so on.

However within a few minutes of our conversation, I had revised my opinion.  We spoke about what I have been eating and how I could change my diet slightly.  To that end she suggest that I cut down on carbohydrates, meaning less potatoes, bread, rice, pasta etc and more protein and more vegetables.

So taking her advice on board, I ditched the cereal and slices of bread for breakfast and replaced that with a piece of fruit and a yogurt.  I still occasionally have a few slices of bread, it does depend on how I'm feeling sometimes.  Lunch has also changed, instead of the constant sandwich everyday alongside a packet of crisps, I now have a salad, usually cheese, tomato, cucumber and tuna or egg if I remember to boil them the night before.  I again still have the occasional sandwich, but usually now they are relegated to a weekend.  Evenings have not changed much except for more vegetables and less potato, it used to be that I could have chips or a baked potato every night.  Now I've cut it down to maybe once a week and sometimes even not that.

I've also cut down on the snacking and tried to eat more fruit and exercise more.  At the moment I'm now walking to and from work and trying to do at least 10,000 steps per day and most days I achieve that and more.  I also do a bit of exercise around the apartment, so every little helps.

It hasn't been easy, after my first two weigh-ins I put back a kilo... might have had something to do with my parents and sister visiting but I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just guessing lol.  Anyway its taken time but my last visit two weeks I had dropped under 80kg and I hope when I visit the Dietitian again next week that I will have dropped more weight.

People have noticed that I've lost weight, they also say I look younger which I like to hear and it does feel good to know that people have noticed that a little change in your diet can have a productive effect.  It certainly was a wake up call my blood test and now I'm grateful for it, yes I still have junk food on occasion, but now I'm feel better about myself and my body.  No, I will never have a six pack or abs of steel, but I will be healthy and that is far more important than anything in the world.

So with that in mind, wish me a few more kilos lost in the next few months and for now I say farewell.


  1. Great job dieting and exercising! I'm glad you feel better about yourself, and I agree health should be the main motive, cause that would help you maintain the weight too once you reach your goal. Good luck with the rest of your journey.

  2. Great job dieting and exercising! I'm glad you feel better about yourself, and I agree health should be the main motive, cause that would help you maintain the weight too once you reach your goal. Good luck with the rest of your journey.

  3. It's great you have made the necessary changes to your life, and sticking with it!! That's the hard part...good on you!! Now I should take a leaf out of your book and start exercising!!! :) keep it up!!

  4. Well done Adam, it seems like you making progress. Trust me I know it hard to loose weight and it harder to keep it off. I too am overweight by a couple of stones and despite having poor health as you know it feels like an almost impossible mission at times. You need to feel happy when you are dieting as well as exercise. My Fibromyalgia makes it extremely challenging to loose weight and I really want to also but reading your blog we both have the same thing in common and that goal is to shred more than a few pounds. Try eating smaller portions of food and skip dessert unless it fresh fruit or something and if you hungry in the middle of the night have an apple or a few grapes are ok but no bananas. Good luck with your mission and I know you will succeed. Keep up the good work mate. All the best from Rob in Barnet.
