Wednesday 21 November 2012


Well after a week of high tension in the region, it appears tonight there is a ceasefire. Though having read stuff on Facebook I've heard that the ceasefire wasn't an hour old and the rockets are flying into Israel again, and Israel is showing restraint, which is more than I feel I would. Coming from the UK I've never had to deal with this kind of thing, sure I was in London when the July bombing happened and I've seen on the news when the IRA struck, but I've never really lived it, never felt the hint of panic the moment sirens started. It is something that I really would like to never happen again, but sadly I don't see the peace lasting and I'm sure soon again I will be hearing the siren and heading for the safe room in my apartment or a shelter. In total in the last week I've been to the safe room twice and on another occasion over the last week to a Underground garage near a cafe I was having lunch at with some friends. If your reading this, your probably thinking, you have a british passport, why not come back to the UK and honestly I've had friends say that to me and I will be honest, the thought has never really seriously crossed my mind. I made the decision to come to Israel to start a new life, I knew that things like this happened and could happen, but still I came. I want a new life and I have it, slowly and surely, friends, work etc and yes there is the shadow of danger hanging over the country, but I refuse to live in fear, to run away at the slightest trouble. Because if I do, then they win and I don't want to let that happen, I want to live my life and I will continue to do so. Am Yisrael Chai