Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Driving and Feelings of Isolation

Well so far this year I've seen some pretty epic driving here in Israel. As in epically crazy... early in the month I saw a car pretty much refuse to move until a JCB moved first, while other road users pretty much went round the JCB. I think this went on for at least 5 minutes with the driver blasting his horn and the JCB eventually moved. Then today I've seen possibly the oddest thing I've seen in a while. Now feel free to argue with me on this point, but when most of us are driving if we go past our turning on a road and there is no one around we will either do a U-turn as soon as possible and go back or if we're able reverse and take the turning. Not so with the driver in question today. He went past the roundabout and then reversed back over the roundabout to the 1st section of the road, then went round the roundabout into the street he wanted, I know what you’re thinking nothing wrong or strange with that, it’s the fact that after reversing he could have turned right into the road, but instead chose to go round the roundabout and down the road he wanted. Just seems to me a little bit crazy to do it like that.
And finally I was walking to the supermarket when I saw some lights coming from behind me and turning around there was a Motorbike behind me on the path, I know they do this in England, but here it seems like they don't care about rules of the road or pavement. It’s almost as if once they pass their test they figure lets drive how we feel like and yes I have a licence to drive here, still believe I will drive as I did in England and like my Mother says going slow may take you longer to get where you’re going, but going faster and having an accident means you’re a long time dead.
At the moment I'm finding things a little tough and while I'm committed to making Israel work, I'm feeling very isolated from people both here in Israel and back in the UK. I'm not getting at anyone at all; it just feels like that I don't hear from people unless it’s a comment on a status or something I've shared. It would be nice to hear from people just to have them text or message me and ask how things are going.
Okay I had my little rant about how I'm feeling, now to finish on a song... okay I won't sing I don't think we want the rain back in Israel. But seriously I'd like to wish my Mum a very Happy Birthday for Friday as I won't get the opportunity to speak to her on the day as she and my Dad are off on a cruise. So Mum Happy Birthday or יום הולדת שמחה אמא של. Hope you have a great day and a great holiday and I will speak to you soon.

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