Monday, 21 January 2013

More changes to come

Hello everyone, hope your all well? I'm doing okay, just getting over a cold at the moment, probably down to the bad weather from a couple of weeks ago. Nothing much to report except as I knew or expected I will have to find a new apartment from the beginning of April. I have time which is good but everyone knows how quickly time flies, still I'm not going to get to worried or panic just yet, though I admit last night I was a little worried.
I've actually already started some work towards it, even if it is just mentioning to friends and asking if they know of anything of anyone who is looking in the Tel Aviv area. I'm determined to get this sorted as fast as possible, rather than have it creep up on me suddenly and find myself scrambling to take any apartment. Hopefully something will turn up and it will be as good and as reasonably priced as the apartment I've been in for the last year. Watch this space for further information and developments.
Not much else to tell you tomorrow is a holiday as its Election Day here in Israel and I have to say I think that it’s a great idea to have a day off, even if it is a bit strange to do so. But from a point of view of if you’re working a long day and your tired, the last thing you want to do on your way home is go and vote when you would rather go home. So having the day free to vote is a really good idea.
Apart from all that it’s pretty quiet here, nothing in particular to really report of interest. I am however counting down the days to something I've been looking forward to for the last 6 weeks, can't believe it’s nearly here. Anyway hope to read some comments and hear from you all.

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