Saturday 1 July 2017

One Month on

So I've completed my first month in the new job, still feels weird to be there, still getting used to it all, but I'm doing well I think.  One of my new colleagues said that it will take a month to get used to the people and 3 months used to the job itself.  Well after a month I'm comfortable with the people, even if I don't remember everyone's names yet.

As for the job itself, I'm still learning and doing new things each week.  The main focus though for me seems to be internet spot checks for our products where they should not be.  It’s time-consuming but I'm getting the hang of that.  I've also been asked to write reports on the findings, which is something I'm not sure I'm getting the hang of.  I don't think I've ever been really good at reports, usually I'm very plain and basic in that regard and these obviously need to be direct and to the point and also a little specific.  Still I've worked on one this week, gotten feedback and sent it back with changes, so let’s see what happens tomorrow.

I'm also going to be shown more stuff to do, that will be my responsibility.  I am finding it a little tough as I'm the only paralegal there so there is a lot of work sent my way.  Plus with the person training me, also got a lot of work there is not as much time for training.  In this respect I wish there was either a handbook or the other Paralegal was not out on Maternity Leave as I would probably be spending all my time sat next to them learning how to do the job.  I suppose on the reserve side of things, I'm learning on the fly and its going well.

Although some people have realized where I work and have asked do I get discounts on the products... yes Dana, yes Davina I'm looking at you two :-).

Otherwise, I'm still trying to find the balance between work and social life, but I'm sure that will come.  I did get out for Laila Levan on Thursday night and hang with friends and soak up the atmosphere which pretty cool and I also managed to visit my friends in Kiryat Bialik and have lunch with them and apparently agree to dog sit for Kiki, so people The Kiki diaries will reappear as will lots of Kiki pictures.  Just warning you all in advance.

Anyway that's all for now, hope you guys are keeping well, leave a comment, let me know what you think.

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