Sunday, 25 December 2011
Christmas Day in Israel
Well its 25th December, Christmas Day and well I got to say it does feel a little weird being in Israel, what I mean apart from a few shops and some trees that I've seen in the German Colony there is no sign of it being christmas and yes it is Israel so not as country that really celebrates, but feels weird after years of being in England and seeing trees and houses decorated. Also feels strange not to be at home with my family, while we don't celebrate christmas, its still a time for us all to get together and relax, eat together and watch the Queen's speech and then Doctor Who and the soaps such Emmerdale and Corrie Street later on, but this year feels a bit weird that I'm not there. In some ways I'm envious that some people have gone home to their families or relatives in Israel, in other ways i'm not as it would have made it so much harder to come back if I'd gone back during this break. Anyway its nice and quiet and i'm getting a bit of reading done and some study as well, so basically its all same as normal here in Israel. Hope your all having a good day and got all the pressies you wanted.
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
weeks and Chanukah Break 8
Well i've been here 8 weeks and we're now in our 12 day Chanukah break. It will feel a bit weird as I know a few people have gone home, others have gone to visit relatives and friends in Israel, 1 has gone back to her old job for a couple of weeks so feels like the dorms have emptied, though I know there are a lot of people still around this time. I've not got much planned, taking this as my first opportunity in a long time to just enjoy peace and quiet, with nothing to do but relax. Though I do have a few trips planned, I'm off to see friends of family for a couple of days on 2 occasions, I'll be 1st visiting Modi'in for Shabbat this weekend and then heading to Ramot near Jerusalem to see an old friend of my Dad's who made aliyah many years go and whom I've visited most of the times i've been in Israel before. I'll also make a day trip to Tel Aviv to catch up with a friend and have a wander round the shops and convince myself I don't need to buy that item even though I really want to. Anyway I probably won't blog again in the next couple of weeks, so if I don't I'd like to wish my blog followers a Happy Chanukah and Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year
Thursday, 15 December 2011
December days
Can I just say if someone had told me last December during the cold, I would be now sat on a hill in Haifa in the sun in a t-shirt enjoying warmish weather... I would have laughed at them... but I am and well since I hear snow is on its way, all I can say to my English family and friends is wrap up warm and be safe :-)
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
Well its been 7 weeks since I came out, okay 7 weeks and 2 days but whats a couple of days been you and me Lol. And its nearly Chanukah here and as such its nearly break time we have 12 days off so from 20th December till 8.30am 3rd January I've got time on my hands. I've fortunatley got plans for 2 days already and will visit friends in Modi'in and then not sure, i'm looking into volunteering, be it locally or not locally, either way it would be a nice way to meet people and make new friends. Still got a few days of school left, well 1 this week and then Sunday to Tuesday so still got to study and do the homework. Still finding that weird as my last homework before Ulpan was 11 years ago at University. Also slowly managed to get used to studying Sunday to Thursday as opposed to Monday to Friday, still feels weird to be at home Friday and not be working or studying in a class. Otherwise all is Tov, if I could I get a good nights sleep it would be all is Met-Su-Yan. I've also started to walk at least once a day for an hour to try and keep fit, until I'm earning I don't want to put money into a gym as I have nothing to replace it. , so i've found myself a walking buddy and we've gone walking once so far, will be going walking again in a few minutes and hopefully continue to do so after the Chanukah break. Anyway hope your all well and keep reading
Saturday, 10 December 2011
I've always had trouble sleeping over the last few years, usually waking up in the middle of the night because either I'm disturbed or I've got something on my mind keep me awake, but since I came to Israel, sleeping hasn't been easy at all, while I love the space and room I have, sadly the mattress leaves a lot to be desired and is probably harder than i've ever had, good for my back though lol. But generally its not a good mattress, I think even sleeping on the mats provided in the Bedouin tent were more comfortable. I know I should be getting used to them, but I don't think I ever will and I know that when I get my own place the 1st stop will be to get a decent bed/mattress for myself. And hopefully get some decent sleep lol
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
I know seems a strange topic to blog about, but even though i am loving life in Israel, I do sometimes feel alone at times, maybe its a holdover from back in England where I sometimes felt left out by my friends where they would do something and I'd hear about it the following day or read about it on Facebook, I also feel sometimes out of place, mostly because the majority of those in the Ulpan are a lot younger than me and as such different outlooks on life, though we all share a common passion Israel. Like everything it will pass. On the plus side if someone had told me a few months ago I would be wandering around outside in Early December wearing a t-shirt. (okay my Hull City shirt. UP THE TIGERS!!) and jeans I would have thought you're crazy as being English December is cold in England and usually I don't go out unless I have a long sleeved t-shirt/shirt on, a jumper, decent trousers and a long winter coat. Guess what I'm saying is even though its only been 6 weeks and 1 day and I miss family and I miss friends in England, I don't miss the weather. Though I do missing going to see Hull City and wish I had been there Saturday just gone, i'm sure it was a special atmosphere for good old Nigel Pearson!!!
Monday, 5 December 2011
Two day trip to the Negev and Masada
Well i've finally been able to log on, so I thought i'd post here now before I sleep. The Ulpan has been on a two day trip today and yesterday, we left the Dorms at 7.15 and after boarding our bus we headed off. I should point out there were 3 buses, 1 for the English speakers, 1 for the Russian Speakers and one for the French... Anyway on the way to our 1st destination we picked up our guide for the 2 days Tali and we headed off down Israel to Bet Guvrin which hosts a system of caves which we proceeded to explore and learn about. We also experienced Bedouin hospitality in the evening and stayed in tents, which might sound pretty fun, but at this time of year its not that warm at night, however i'm pleased to say we all came through the night alive and well lol. We also partied a little last night as they provided some music for us and we also had our own as provided by Mor Greenberg and his guitar among others. This morning having been woken up early and having had breakfast we departed for Masada where we climbed up the ramp of Masada, (for those who aren't familiar with Masada, I urge you to look it up online). After a tour of part of Masada and lots of pictures we ventured down the other side down the Snake Path which as it suggests snakes around Masada bringing you from the top back to the bottom. Following on from that we headed to Ein Gedi which has many waterfalls and after a short hike we were able to take off our socks and shoes and get our feet wet for a bit. Following on from that it was back on the bus and back for Haifa via the Ahava shop so people could have a browse and buy some products if they chose. Then really it was back to Haifa, all in all a fun couple of days if very tiring. Have included a pic that I liked from the trip.. Northern Boys Represent.
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Morning all, this entry is been written at 9.20am on Friday 2nd December, where having been asleep and hoping to enjoy a lie-in on my 1st full day of the weekend I was awoken by the buildings alarms going off, not a pleasant experience. Now this is definitley the downside of a shared dorm with many people attempting to cook and well I don't want to say failing spectacularly, but... okay yep thats what I want to say. Now I'm not saying I can cook at all, but I don't set off the fire alarm and this unfortunatley in the time i've been here has been the 6th time and I think 3rd time this week. Feel free to correct me someone if I've got numbers wrong. Now I'm also not saying don't cook, i'm just saying use a modicum of common sense and open a window or keep an eye on it, because being woken up at 9am is one thing, being woken up at 1.30 is another entirely. Okay moan about the alarm over.
Well another week down, seems like 5 minutes since I got here but its actually nearly 6 weeks hard to believe thats it gone by so fast. Last couple of nights i've enjoyed the company of friends from the dorm and gone out and about in Haifa, some of us ventured to a concert on Wednesday to celebrate 20 year of Aliya from Ethiopia. And it was okay, too much talking so we actually left about an hour in. And then last night some of us from the dorms and the Ulpan went out to celebrate one of our fellow student's birthday. Roxy I hope you had a great evening, here's to many more birthdays :-).
Now this weekend, i'm off to the mall to get a sleeping bag as we're off for 2 days to the Negev and then Masada over Sunday and Monday which should be a lot of fun... okay will be no class for 2 days lol
Anyway this is me signing off for now, be good.
Well another week down, seems like 5 minutes since I got here but its actually nearly 6 weeks hard to believe thats it gone by so fast. Last couple of nights i've enjoyed the company of friends from the dorm and gone out and about in Haifa, some of us ventured to a concert on Wednesday to celebrate 20 year of Aliya from Ethiopia. And it was okay, too much talking so we actually left about an hour in. And then last night some of us from the dorms and the Ulpan went out to celebrate one of our fellow student's birthday. Roxy I hope you had a great evening, here's to many more birthdays :-).
Now this weekend, i'm off to the mall to get a sleeping bag as we're off for 2 days to the Negev and then Masada over Sunday and Monday which should be a lot of fun... okay will be no class for 2 days lol
Anyway this is me signing off for now, be good.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Yad Vashem
Its been a few days since I last wrote, but today has been a long day, instead of classes today at the Ulpan we went on an Ulpan trip to Yad Vashem the Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem. Having been before several times I knew what to expect at least I thought I did, somehow even having been before and visited Poland and places like Auschwitz still being at Yad Vashem still gets to me. Full of memories of people who survived and those who didn't and their stories. I would have liked to have taken pictures for those of you who have never been and so you could see like it but cameras were not allowed so I would suggest you look up Yad Vashem on Google and see for yourself that way.
Otherwise not much to really to report, over the weekend I went to Tel Aviv on Friday for a few hours to see people and then returned back tot he dorms, to enjoy dinner with others from the dorm and then yesterday was a chilled day, I think I actually left my apartment once all day LOL.
We have a break coming up towards the end of December, I'm now looking for things to do over that period while there is no Ulpan. Am thinking of finding out if I can do some volunteer work and keep myself busy, but we shall see, sadly coming back to England for a couple of weeks is too expensive
Otherwise not much to really to report, over the weekend I went to Tel Aviv on Friday for a few hours to see people and then returned back tot he dorms, to enjoy dinner with others from the dorm and then yesterday was a chilled day, I think I actually left my apartment once all day LOL.
We have a break coming up towards the end of December, I'm now looking for things to do over that period while there is no Ulpan. Am thinking of finding out if I can do some volunteer work and keep myself busy, but we shall see, sadly coming back to England for a couple of weeks is too expensive
Monday, 21 November 2011
4 Weeks today
Well its been 4 weeks, 28 days, 672 hours since I left England and moved to Israel, its been a fun and enjoyable 4 weeks so far and I hope it continues. What to tell you since last I blogged, i've continued on with my Ulpan and this past weekend I went to see a Concert, was a bit surprised to see it was classical music, but I did enjoy it and it was free so all good, nice to be accompanied by David Silice and Maya Grosberg. Then yesterday after 1st day of the week of Ulpan, still getting used to my week beginning on Sunday while everyone back in England is enjoying a relax day, though since my classes are 8.30 till 1pm I suppose I can't complain too much, but anyway after class it was off to Haifa's Grand Canyon Shopping Mall with Maya and Judith this time, we spent a couple of hours there and I managed to not go mad and spend money in Tower Records despite there being a few DVDS I want. I did however buy myself some speakers for my Laptop so I can have better sound listening to the DVDs I brought from England. After that it was back to the apartment to do my homework and then off to the pub for a couple of hours. Then today we had a test in class on some of the stuff we have learned over the past few weeks, we also did some computer work and this afternoon I relaxed after doing my homework. We also had a discussion about the fire alarm in the building after it went off again on Friday/Saturday Morning at 1.30am because someone managed to burn something!!!! Learn how to cook please. Apart from that all pretty quiet, just relaxing watching some stuff online.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
Trip to Netanya
Well I've been continuing to study hard and get out and about when I can, I took my 1st trip outside of Haifa today and my 1st trip on a Train in Israel. Having been used to the trains in England and even working for Network Rail, I'm not sure what I expected, obviously the Rail Network here in Israel is smaller than England, but its quite similar if different as it has two tier trains which is something we don't have in England. Also the cost is a lot different from England, its cheaper, it cost me 47 shekels for a trip to Netanya and back which works out at around 8 pounds. So a lot easier on the wallet. Anyway I went to Netanaya to visit a friend from England who is here for a week visiting family, so I spent the afternoon with her, 1st in a little cafe where we had hot chocolate and a pastry and then after a walk we went for a bite to eat and that cost a decent price for a burger, chips and a drink so it really was a cheap day out :-). More from me soon
Friday, 11 November 2011
Nearly 3 Weeks
I'm writing this at 4.50 on Friday afternoon, its nearly Shabbat, my 3rd since moving here and sometimes it still feels like a dream, when I started to seriously consider moving here and starting afresh I didn't know what I would get or what it would be and that it wasn't going to be easy, I had all these daydreams but I knew it would be hard. I still have moments of doubt where I wonder what the heck was I thinking, living up a semi-stable job in London to move to a new country and start again. But here I am following a dream of a better life. Been a busy week, been out 3 nights this week and 2 of them on school nights as well... yep I've turned into a party animal/rebel LOL. Still I'm enjoying the Ulpan and I think I'm picking up the lanugage, if still getting used to the changes when its male or female, plural male or female. Yep its complicated and I thought learning grammar at school in Hull was bad, but I'm getting the hang of it and hopefully by the time 5 months of Ulpan are up I'll be able to talk, read and write Hebrew with the best of them
Wednesday, 9 November 2011
The day after the party the night before
We had an Opening night Gala last night which was at a club called Beats and it was for all the Students of Ulpan Etzion as well as the College here in Haifa. It was a lot of fun but the end result not enough sleep before class today, yes I know me partying on a school night LOL. Today as always we had Ulpan, with more words and more things to learn as well as more homework. I'm pretty surprised that I'm remembering things more or less quite easily but when I put it all into practice talking outside the class we shall see how well I do. Tonight there is Karaoke and I may go, depends how I feel in a few hours and then tomorrow the last day of the week and the weekend is here
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Day 3 Ulpan addendum
Okay I was feeling down, but cheered up this afternoon/evening, thanks to a spot of afternoon tea with Simon, David, and Maya and then a swim, jacuzzi and steam room again Simon, David and now Tsion, then pizza on the way home, and it was really nice,. So thanks guys cheered me up
Day 3 of Ulpan
I'd like to think I'm not stupid, but getting a hang of the language is actually quite hard, not so much the words but changing the words between masculine and femanine is quite hard to remember and when your still quite unfamilar with the language its not fun. Suppose like everything it takes time and hopefully with time full understanding. Otherwise not much to say, we had Thunder and Lightning and rain yesterday, almost felt like being back in the UK. Outside the window I can see docked in port is the Queen Elisabeth which is pretty cool :-). Otherwise a quiet weekend before getting back into studies today, still getting used to the fact the weekend here is Friday and Saturday, instead of Saturday and Sunday. Part of me is missing England if not the weather, feeling a bit out of place here like i'm around people but wouldn't be missed or noticed if I wasn't... guess I should have expected this, wasn't nervous at all before I came out to Israel for a new start and now after nearly 2 week guess a touch of being homesick is creeping in
Wednesday, 2 November 2011
1st Day of Ulpan
Today was my 1st day of learning Ivrit in the Ulpan, I'm in the bottom group and while I know some things in Hebrew, I'm happy being in the bottom group as it will reinforce what I already know and help me learn more. Class starts at 8.30 and goes until 13.00 with 2 breaks in that time. In my class there are quite a few people from the Dorms where I live so it feels good knowing that there are people I know at my same level and that I can study with after. Following class there was lunch and later today we have a BBQ so that will be another good evening. Last night was also fun, a few of us went to the Grand Canyon Shopping Centre where on our way back we got lost, fortunately we found our way back to dorms. Next time I think despite the cost I take a taxi LOL. Then last my fellow flatmates enjoyed a dinner together with a few others in the Dorm and we relaxed before the start of our studies today
Sunday, 30 October 2011
1st day of Ulpan
Well today was the 1st day of Ulpan, there are about 160 of us starting this term and I was surprised by the amount of people and different languages spoken, but something to get used to. We had to take a placement test, unfortunately my knowledge of Hebrew isn't the best, while I can read a Siddur and various other texts, I often don't understand what the words mean and while I know a few spoken words and a few sentences, its likely I may end up in the bottom class and I am okay with that, sometimes its good to start at the bottom and work your way up. I feel like I know bits, but what I know really isn't that much. Still I will see what class I will be in Wednesday and take it from there
Saturday, 29 October 2011
The Weekend
Hi all, well today is Saturday and its been a fairly chilled day, a lot of Haifa is closed due to the Sabbath so many places will start opening now its dark. Most places closed around 3pm yesterday because of the sabbath so it was an evening where we stayed close to the apartments and in fact some of us shared a good shabbat meal followed by some music, talking and playing games, a good evening. This morning/afternoon a few of us went up the road to beach, honestly if I thought I would be going to the beach in October, most people probably would be suprised as being from the UK going to a beach is probably the last thing you would think of but 3 of us did and we enjoyed a nice time there for a few hours with a bit of pizza from a place on the beach and then back here to chill out again before the evening.
Friday, 28 October 2011
Well I didn't realise how tired I was today until I slept way later than I normally would and also again this afternoon, guess all the excitment and addrenaline is finally wearing off or taking a break today. Haven't done much today, had my 1st Shwarama for lunch but apart from that, its a chilled and relaxed day where i've rested
Thursday, 27 October 2011
Day 3
Well this is my 3rd full day here in Israel, after a whirlwind 3 previous days , i've spent today relaxing mostly, but also opening a bank account here in Haifa. So many signatures required, i'm pretty sure my hand was ready to drop off from writing my name time after time. But finally i've opened the account and now i'm just relaxing before our orientation meeting in a couple of hours. I've made contact with a few people whose emails and phone numbers i've gotten before I came out here, so fingers crossed I can make time to see them in the not too distant future. Yesterday my 1st full day in the Big Brother House...LOL. Was spent buying food and crockery for my shared apartment and then following that I went off with others from the apartments for a bite to eat, before chilling out on the roof and then I went off to meet a friend i'd made online who lives here in Haifa and she took me to a club with some of her friends and after a few hours at the club we returned back to Haifa via a coffee spot and I eventually got to bed at 3am!!! Not bad for my 1st few days in Israel. And a few people who read this are probably going to be shocked that I disappeared off with someone I've never met in person before on only my 2nd night in Israel, but life is short and I while I'm the same person I've always been and always will be, this is a new start for me and I intend to enjoy. As for pictures, I will start taking more soon
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
Israel is now
Well I arrived a the coach pick up point and met a few people whom I'd met before so that made me feel a bit more at ease, after saying goodbye to my parents, we headed off to Luton Airport and eventually took off around 1.30pm, we landed 7pm Israel time and after a quick stop to passport control we were whisked over to the old terminal at Ben Gurion Airport to fill in some forms and get our Teudat Oleh, after that we headed to our 1st stop and our hotel for the night. Some of us found time to chat and before we knew it was 2am before we headed for bed. After little sleep we got up and faced our 1st full day in Israel and it was a busy one. We started by attending an expo to get our phone contacts, our banking sorted and other things as well. That took us until lunchtime and after a lunch we headed for the Kottel where the ceremony to give us our Teudat Zehut our Israeli IDs took place and after that we headed back to the Hotel to pick up our luggage and head off to our respective destinations. After a 2 hour drive myself and other arrived in Haifa at the place that will be our home for the next 5 months while we learn hebrew. And after that its job hunting but thats a worry for another day.
Sunday, 23 October 2011
Off to London
Right my bags are packed, the car loaded, my goodbyes to my sister and we are on our way to London and then tomorrow its Israel. While I'm now a little nervous I don't feel too nervous and I hope a good sign
Thursday, 20 October 2011
Okay I nervous now
I'm not as nervous as I thought I would be, but lots of things going through my head, like hoping to make friends quickly to make it easier, as I am a stranger in a strange land :-). Hoping that when I start the Ulpan that I pick up the language easily and quickly. But apart from that i'm excited, I'm going into this open minded and take each day as it comes, its a new adventure and one I want to succeed
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Nearly there
Well after a slight panic, i've filled 2 suitcases and nearly filled a rucksack with clothes and personal stuff. All that really needs to be packed is electronic stuff which will go in my carry on. I'm surprised at how calm I really have been, not sure if thats a good thing or not as this is a big life changing move and apart from a bit of sleeplessness, I feel pretty good about this
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Well I've started packing now, filled one suitcase and hopefully fill the other one as well, still got more stuff to pack, but hopefully tomorrow I will be fully packed for Israel. Please note the length we've gone to make sure I get everything in :-)
![]() | |||
Vacuum sealed towels, pillows and Hull City Oven Gloves |
Monday, 17 October 2011
A week today
Well a week to go, and this time next week, I will have landed in Israel. I'm not nervous... okay I am but not as much as I would have thought. Sleeping a bit poorly so thats probably where my nerves are showing. Got a few more bits and pieces for my trip, so all that is left to do is pack and I'll do that tomorrow and then I hope to be able to relax for the last few days before I fly out
Saturday, 15 October 2011
Time ticking on
Its all falling into place, still a bit of work to do in terms of stuff from London, got rid of a lot of stuff and packed away even more. Still strange to feel like i'm packing up my english life, but come a week on Monday I will be off to Israel, where I intend to go with an open mind and embrace a new start. If i'm honest its really scary, but also exciting, I'm not sure what to expect, at least when I start this I'm not alone, everyone who is in the group like me is in the same situation. Still its a big change and one I want to make
Thursday, 13 October 2011
And more boxes dealt with
Because of a shortage of space the hallway of my parents is cluttered with boxes, fortunatley I've started to condense and get rid of boxes and bits and pieces. I've managed to get rid of a few boxes and i've stored my DVDS in Dvd wallets, since alcohol is expensive, I'll need the alternative entertainment, so i'm taking as many series, feature films etc with me. Its a big job culling stuff accumelated over nearly 10 years in London, but i'm doing it and i'm being strong in what I want to keep. Meanwhile Israel is getting closer and I'm still quite calm about it, I thought by now I'd have freaked out over it but, in someways I'm happy about this
Tuesday, 11 October 2011
More work done
Spent today, going through boxes and sorting out DVDS, trying to make sure I bring everything I want to watch, the rest can stay at my parents for the moment. Got rid of a few dvds and a lot of books, feels odd to get rid of stuff i've had for a while, but most books are available on the kindle, so seem sensible for the benefit of making room to just get rid of the books, also got rid of cds as well, charity shop is going to be very happy. Meanwhile i've also fitted in a haircut, so I now have short hair again, ready for Israel. Its all very exciting :-)
Monday, 10 October 2011
Goodbye London
Well thats it after 12 years of the last 14 being spent in London, i've now moved all my stuff to my parents in Manchester for the short-term, some of it will come to Israel and some will be binned, the rest stored until I have my own place. Feels a bit weird London has been a big part of my life, work and social and now its ended. Somehow I thought i'd feel a bit sadder about it, but I don't I'm ready for a new challenge, new fresh start in my life
Sunday, 9 October 2011
Down to London to get my stuff
Okay shortly i'm off to London to go and pick up my stuff from the house. So far we've sorted out what i've brought up with me already. So we've now gotten rid of some clothes, put a pile of i'm keeping but will come later and also a pile of what's going with me, though I suspect we'll cull the pile to go again, trying to maximise my stuff so can take as much as I want and not what I don't. After all though I'll be on a limited budget I can still get bits and pieces out there. Got the bedding sorted and someone has said that I can get crockery over in Israel so not total panic on bits to take yet. Going to be weird going back to London overnight, for over 9 and a 1/2 years London has been my home where I have lived, worked and socialised and its strange feeling to be saying goodbye. But one door closes another opens, 2 weeks to prepare for the next chapter of my life.
All so complicated
Yes I've got accomodation and stuff, but now I need to sort out how to get bedding and crockery as well as all my stuff to Israel in 2 weeks... I think I need to grow another hand!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, 7 October 2011
Left my job, next stop Israel
Well i've done it, I'm now officially unemployed having left 40 Melton Street at midday today. Up in Manchester for the next 2 weeks, going to be weird and I'm still not sure what I'm feeling, pretty much my head is all over the place, keep wondering what the heck am I doing? Am I crazy, I'm going openminded into this, but still can't help being nervous, worried, terrified, but excited as well, a real trip into the unknown.
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