Sunday, 31 December 2017

2017... I let you go.

Well it’s December 31st and it’s the last day of the year, the last evening before 2017 departs and 2018 arrives. It’s definitely been a year of a lot of upheaval for myself and I thought I'd just go back over the year as it ends.

So the year pretty much started as it has done with a relaxed and fun New Year’s Eve, because well in Israel it’s just a normal day and instead of nursing hangovers we're back at work in the morning... Well some people might be nursing hangovers lol.  Anyway I started the year still an English Typist, still feeling unappreciated at work and miserable in the job and despite my best efforts it took half the year for me to get out and get into something new.  There were times I despaired about leaving and moving on, that I would find something new and more challenging and that it would be noticed and I would be appreciated for my work.  Still it happened and funnily enough with Yom Haatzmaut Israel's Independence Day and the signing of a piece of paper I was ready to start a new challenge. Ready to start again.

It took another month but for the first time in many months I felt free of the burdens and being made to feel like I'm not worth much, I pretty much admit that my self-confidence isn't always the highest and sometimes I suffer a severe lack of self-belief.  But my last job certainly did a serious number on it.  Even now almost 7 months into a new job where I have been told by the Head of my department, that he and his Deputy are very happy with my performance, I still second guess myself.  I suppose that will never change, but if they are saying they are very happy with my performance so far then I shouldn't let negativity shine and believe their words and believe in myself.

I do however feel a bit like an outsider sometimes in my new job, heck in my social life.  At the moment it seems like everyone around me is married, getting married or starting a family.  And yes I love being able to see my friends so happy and meeting their little ones.  But I still feel alone at times, adrift in a sea of people and no matter how much I try to swim, I am just keeping my head above water.  Maybe 2018 will change all of that.

Still this year I did two good deeds and helped people find jobs, 1 person took my old job at the law office, although she moved on to a better and more suitable of her talents job and then funnily enough at a Friday night dinner I was talking with someone about what I do and that there were jobs going and through me she applied and she is now working in the same company and I think she's enjoying herself.  So maybe I can feel like I've done something worthwhile this year.

Maybe all the crap I've had to deal with is done and over.  Maybe 2018 will be different and everything I want will finally be there for me.  I don't honestly know as life is what you make of it, but hopefully it will be Oh, so brilliant.

Anyway Happy New Year, see you in 2018 :-)

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Almost 6 months

So its just a few days short of 6 months in my new job and considering my severe occasional lack of self-confidence in my own abilities, I'm still liking the work.  It does bring new challenges every day and new things that I have to learn and the people are cool.  I think they like me in the office which is good, I think having a nice office environment is good.  Especially as I have worked in some not so nice environments.

Apart from work, life is okay, been fairly social and managing to get out and about, still would like to get our more though than I have and I do feel a bit isolated from people and out of contact.  I feel like I'm having to chase people and apart from when I arrange stuff with people, most of my friends don't reach out to me at times and it feels bad.  Maybe I'm reading too much, everyone has their own life, but I feel with life I'm always chasing.

Meanwhile for 90 minutes every Saturday I'm getting even more depressed lol especially when I watch Football.

Maybe its the weather making me sad, but I just feel at the moment a bit adrift and alone, especially as I'm seeing all my friends meet people, settle down and I'm not there yet. 

Anyway I hope you all have a good week.

Tuesday, 24 October 2017

6 years on...

Well it’s been quite a ride, here I am 6 years later after I stepped on a plane at Luton airport on a cold Monday morning October 24th, 2011.  Hands up and I'm actually seriously interested from my friends in the UK and family who thought I wouldn't last 6 days or 6 months here.  Be honest, no judging.

The fact is in 6 years it’s been a hell of a bumpy ride, lots of ups and definitely a lot of downs, the question is would I change any of it? If I could go back in time to talk to my past self a few days or so before I got on the plane, would I tell him to not go, I suppose if you look at all I've done over the time here, you can answer my question.

As some probably saw I posted a status yesterday about work here in Israel and in fact over the past 6 years I've had 9 jobs, been out of work for probably about a year of that, I'm including the 5 months of Ulpan and 5 months from the end of December 2012 until end of April 2013 where I was unemployed and various other times.  So a lot of people would probably say if you had been out of work for that long period, in a different country, without family and only a few friends and not much of a social life, why not come back to the UK and find a job there, where you at least have family and friends around.  To be honest there were periods where in my unemployed time that I reached a point, so low that all I thought about was hopping on a plane and never looking back... I mean who wouldn't.  But I stayed, I kept trying and the darkest period for me was the end of 2014/beginning of 2015.  I had moved to a job in Tel Aviv in Binary Options!!! Doing customer service and because of changes in management I got the boot and it was a struggle to find work.  

I knew I was coming to the UK on Holiday in March 2015 and at that point, I wondered if I was coming back for good.  Fortunately or unfortunately I found a job at a law firm, which as much as a horrible place it was to work at... okay the people for the most part were very nice and some of them I am still in touch with me, even though I've now been gone almost 5 months.  But still if not for the job, I would have been back in the UK for good, so in some ways I owe that place a lot.

But after all the short term and bad jobs I've had, I feel like I've finally found a place where I'm doing good work and appreciated and liked by my co-workers, even if one of them does now run at the sight of me!!! Okay that's because our department wants him to do some IT work for us and he can't at the moment, but still I feel finally in a good work environment that I can stay for a long time...

Socially it hasn't been easy, but then I don't think it was ever that easy in the UK.  Maybe I'm wrong and maybe someone reads this and will feel upset, but it’s always felt like I've had to chase people to do stuff, that if I didn't reach out, it could easily be weeks before I went out or I saw people.  I think I've always felt that way, slightly invisible even among good friends, I'm the one that slips into the background and only noticed every so often, even if it’s because someone needs me for something.  But yep I'm still here, still trying to go out and I've made friends who do include me, but still it’s hard I'm at an age now where all my friends are either dating, married or married with children and it’s a feeling like I'm being left behind.  I'm not saying I haven't dated since I've been here, I have, but it never lasts, like I'm not the one they're looking for, but I'm good enough to kill a couple of hours, before they fade away like a ghost... still everyone tells me the one is out there!! Certain people tell me I should be asking my friends if they know people that I can be set up with... maybe I've not been dropping enough hints!!! Generally though socially things are okay, I just wish friends would sometimes reach out a bit more, instead of me feeling like I'm always chasing.

Living situation, since I've been here, I've lived in 6 places so almost like 1 place for every year I've been here.  I started off with 5 months in dorms, while doing Ulpan and that was fun. Then I spent a year in Rishon in a lovely apartment with a friend I made from the Ulpan.  It’s funny that when I was living in Rishon I was 15 minute’s walk from where I am now working, but at that time my jobs where in Tel Aviv or Ramat Gan and now I live in Ramat Gan and work in Rishon... it is funny how life goes.  But so I moved to Tel Aviv, spent 6 months in an apartment that I'm pretty sure if it was blown up, the dirt would still be there!! Then I spent 18 months in Ramat Aviv, a year sharing with Kylie and Kiki and then 6 months in the apartment on my own.  It gave me a taste for living on my own and for a year I lived in south Tel Aviv by myself and while the apartment was good, the neighbourhood not so much and finally here I am for almost 18 months in Ramat Gan and I like it, close to Tel Aviv, easy access to the train station and also buses to my office.  It’s a good location and I'm happy to be able to go to the park most Saturday's to chill out.

The fact is Israel has taken me, chewed up and tried to spit me out, but I'm still here, still fighting, maybe I don't have everything I would like, but I'm not going to stop trying and in answer to the question, would I change any of it?  Nope, bring on the next 6 years I'm ready

So read, comment, criticize, or just say hi.  I'm still here.

Wednesday, 18 October 2017

Hooray for Holiday

So as I promised, here is a blog about the last few weeks now that the chaggim are past and I'm settled in back at work. I'm telling you it’s been a tough week getting back into the swing of things with all the Jewish Holidays in the last few weeks and then the office being closed for 10 days.

Still it was nice to have a break, I never had time off between my last job and this one, just a weekend to rest and prepare so my last long holiday was over Pesach when I was in England so this was a nice thing to have.

So I started my holiday with babysitting, after over 20+ years since I last did this job, I did it again, this time looking after my little cousin Lev for my cousin and his wife to have an evening out.  It’s kind of funny that I actually can say I babysat for Lev's father as well.  But it was easy enough and although Lev woke up I was okay with it and they've asked me to do it again so I shouldn't grumble... maybe I should hire myself out as a babysitter as a 2nd job for extra income....

Following that I spent the first day of Sukkot down in Beersheba with my friends Derek and Melissa which was fun and nice to get away from Tel Aviv.  I had thought of staying till after Shabbat but decided to come back before hand, however it’s a good thing I did as I had accidently left the Freezer open since I left 2 days earlier. Luckily most of the food survived this accidental defrosting.

After a chilled Shabbat, I visited a friend in Ra'anana for lunch and a catch up.  Then over a couple of days I helped another friend out by taking a dog for a walk... again another idea for extra income ;-).  I also attended the Icon festival, visited Netanya and then it was the last of the Chaggim.  Following the festivities at the Tel Aviv International Synagogue, it was time to kick back and relax for the last few days of holiday which surprisingly were quite busy.

On the Thursday I visited with relatives on my Mother side of the family who were staying on the other side of Tel Aviv so it was nice to cross over Ramat Gan for a nice walk and a catch up with family I've not seen for a long time. On Friday I joined friends for Shabbat dinner and again it’s been a while since I had seen them so it was good to catch up.

Finally I finished my holiday with lunch with my Cousin in Tel Aviv and his wife and little one and his brother who was visiting from Rehovot with his wife and kids and it was short but sweet.  It’s always nice to see family.

After that I'm back at work and wanting another holiday lol. Still it’s nice to be back at work.  Anyway that's all from me for now, a new blog will be up next week as on Tuesday its 6 years since I made Aliyah, so I suppose I can do a review of my time here.  So stay tuned.

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

3 month and a few weeks on :-)

So on my FB page I've been posting, promising to post a blog for a week or so and I guess I should actually do what I said, so here goes.

I think I kind of wanted to write about my 3 month anniversary at work, yeah people are probably going 3 months is nothing.  But for me it kind of feels everything, apart from it being the end of my trial period, it’s just another week, another day I'm in a job where I feel appreciated.  I freely admit I've never been that confident in my own abilities, a lot of time as my Mum has said people see things in me that I don't see in myself.

She has often said I should look in a mirror and say to myself that I can do it and I should do it as many times, as many days as it takes until I believe it.  Still it’s hard as I'm approaching 6 years in Israel, I realise how tough it has been for me to settle.  There are days I do feel like I've settled, then there are days where I feel like I want to run and hide. I'm sure that a lot of my fears and worry, especially work related ones are down to my previous place of work.  As people who know where I was and how tough it was, to now be in atmosphere where you send a report and receive a well done or constructive criticism on where you went wrong is such a difference, it makes going into work nice.  

I'm still learning, still finding my feet and I'd like to think people in the company are now used to me being around, going to find it a bit tough next week and 3 days after that as the next person up in my department is away for the Chaggim and I will be essentially acting as the deputy to the Head of the department and also I have to brief my fellow legal staff member who is returning from Maternity Leave.  So I have a lot of work to do coming up and my Mum is right, any time I feel like I can't do it, no matter how stupid or even if people can hear me, I have to look in the mirror and tell the person staring back that 'I can do this'.

As tomorrow is Rosh Hashanah I would like to wish my Jewish family and friends Shanah Tovah - May we all have a good and sweet year ahead.  

Saturday, 19 August 2017

Feeling Appreciated

It’s hard not to feel sometimes taken for granted, or a little lost or overwhelmed. Especially with something new.  And I am the first to admit that I have in recent weeks in the new job felt a little out of my depth.  Although after nearly 3 months is it still a new job, is it really just the job!

Anyway after all this time I'm still finding my rhythm there, but as I've probably written it’s so much different than my last place, then again anywhere could have been a lot different and nicer than the last place of work.  What has made it seem more friendly, more welcoming is when the Head of my department has asked for reports from me on something and if it hasn't been what he wanted, I haven't got back an email with 'garbage' 'busha' or sloppy and shameful and no explanation as to what is wrong.  Here in my new office I've received feedback and explanation of what needs to be changed.  It’s quite a turnaround to receive constructive criticism and also good positive feedback, whether in one case it was the head of my department walking past and giving me a thumbs up or walking past with a well done.  After the last office and the atmosphere there, I never believed I would feel comfortable in the job, that the last place had damaged my confidence in my abilities, but while I'm still learning and definitely still a little unsure of myself.  I feel more settled and it’s nice if someone is sending an email that my contributions are being noted.

Socially wise, I've actually had a nice and busy week, I was planning to be out tonight, but due to circumstances I'm staying in... Which actually sounds fantastic, so I can get an early night lol.  But my weekend has been really good as have most of my evenings this past week and it was nice for a change of pace to have a Friday night with friends instead of my usual stay at home by myself.  So thanks to Ronny and Dana for the invite.

Anyway, I hope you like reading and leave a comment please, please :-).

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Birthday Blog

Well I've not blogged for a few weeks, been busy etc.  Nice to actually say that.  Anyway as most of you know... well probably because I told you it was my 39th and 12 months birthday two days ago. 

So it was a fun day, started with a massage and breakfast at Herods Hotel (thank you groupon).  Then some shopping, relaxing, picking up a package from my friend Mark, love the t-shirt he sent.  Nice cards from my parents, lots of messages on Facebook and drunken frivolity at a bar in Tel Aviv... I mean nice, relaxed drinking... because I don't get drunk... ;-) After all I'm 40 now and I should behave. Work was also pretty nice as they day before, before I came to work they decorated my desk and from my department they gave me a gift voucher and cake :-).  And from the company itself I also got a gift voucher.  Certainly is different from other places I have worked.

Anyway work is going well, it’s now been 2 and a half months and I'm settling in I believe.  It’s very hard work and I am feeling the pressure, but I'm doing my best and I hope my superiors are happy with me.  Still I've had meetings with Japan, Hong Kong, France, Australia, UK and Germany.  I'm preparing reports for them and it’s tough, as I have to be much focused and then there is other stuff I need to do.  I am actually doing the job of two people at the moment as the other person is on Maternity leave. Still I'm doing fine I hope.

Otherwise I had an visitor from England which was nice and socially I've managed to get out and I have things to look forward to coming up over the next few weeks, so I'm feeling only good things are here for me.

Saturday, 22 July 2017

Working fine

So another week has passed, I'm nearly at the 2 months stage of being in the office and I'm really starting to feel at home in this office. Had a moment when I received an email from outside the people I usually deal as a result of actions I had taken on behalf of the company as part of my job.  My supervisor laughed, apparently I wasn't the first to receive emails from someone regarding things we have done.  Still was strange but also amusing to feel that I am actually doing something that makes a difference to the company.

Still I have a lot of work to do and it’s a lot of responsibility.  But I am feeling up to the task, even though it’s very daunting.  I am currently working on checking all the areas my department deals with and it’s a lot of work.  Especially as I can't focus on this solely as I have other things coming up that I need to take care of.  I am coping though, I'm asking questions and I feel that everyone sees I'm doing a good job and getting slowly but surely used to everything.

Otherwise apart from work, I've been trying to exercise more as I'm still trying to lose weight, not always successfully as the last two weigh INS have proved where I've put back a kilo :-(.  Still I'm getting out there and had a couple of long walks in the last few days.

Work wise while I'm getting settled finally, I feel still a bit socially unsorted. It’s not that I don't have the time or make the effort, but there are times when I feel like I'm the one making all the effort with friends, I mean sure there are times I do sit waiting for the phone call, but it takes effort on both sides and sometimes I feel that unless I post a blog or something on Facebook, it would not be noticed that I was not around.

Maybe it’s all in my head, I suppose as I get closer to my birthday, I'm dwelling on the past year and what I have and have not accomplished... still got a visit from a friend from the UK for a couple of week from next weekend, a birthday party arranged by my friend down south and my own party arranged by me to look forward.  Also at some point, will arrange a spa day for my birthday, after all why shouldn't I relax on my 40th... yes I said it... I'm going to be 40 in less than 3 weeks now....

Anyway for now, I'm off to beat up people on the PS4, because I'm Batman... hope you like and will comment, bye for now.

Tuesday, 18 July 2017

Feeling accomplished

Small update. Although I'm feeling a little unaccomplished in life outside of work, I'm feeling a little proud of myself in work. I'm finally finding my feet and feeling like I'm doing good work here.  I was talking about it with a former colleague and they said that it sounds interesting and like real legal work.

I never imagined I would end up working in the legal field and dealing with legal matters such as contracts and matters related to Intellectual Property.  I mean 20 years ago in September I went to Middlesex University to study a degree in Media and Cultural Studies with Film Studies, intent on finding a job in the media after graduation, if I had graduated lol... I did with a 2:2 and instead of the media, I found myself in retail and then office services and then railway industry and then to Israel with various jobs and now almost 20 years since I started University I'm working in a field and in a position, which I feel like I'm accomplishing something.  

I don't know how long it will last, but I want to enjoy this feeling while it lasts.

So that's all going in my head, plus 3 and a bit weeks to my birthday.

Also the 13th Doctor is a woman, if you don't like it deal with it.  As long as she is given good material to work with, she will do great. Although if you read some comments it’s the end of the world.

Okay, thanks for reading, leave a comment after the full stop :-)

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Feeling Meh

Well it’s been a couple of weeks since I last posted, last week’s thrilling instalment of my blog, which I'm sure you all loved, was on hold, due to a four legged house guest and also wasn't much too tell really.

So I've now been in the new job for 6 weeks and it feels good, this week, I've done more and learnt a little bit more.  I actually was requested to do some legal work.  I'd spotted something that affected the trademarks we hold and after reporting to the boss, I was asked to think about what action we could take, now obviously I'm not a lawyer and apart from a short module on law back in college/school I'm not sure what we can do, so it was looking online and then checking with the lawyer to see what we could do.  I think my answers were correct and there is now more to take, but just waiting for the boss to answer.

Otherwise apart from work, been quiet, except for the house guest who as usually sat around, did nothing, expected me to feed her, take her for walks, allow to sit on my bed... you know the usual, still it’s fun to have her, watch her run around and write on Facebook.

However, I'm feeling a bit down outside of work, not sure what's wrong, just don't feel myself these days out of the office, feeling a bit isolated and alone... maybe its related to the fact I'm going to be 40 in less than 4 weeks and I'm alone and feeling like that, not just in terms of being in a relationship, but in some ways with friends generally.... I mean there are people who are a lot younger who seem to have everything they want or I would want and I feel envious and I don't want to be and I want what they have and yet it seems like every time I try to break the cycle of this, nothing happens. Or maybe I'm just being silly.  IF you're reading this and you're my friend maybe you can help me, maybe you can help me get out of this funk I'm feeling trapped in.  But that would also mean someone is reading everything I write here... someone who isn't a family member...

Stuck in a rut and I can't get out of it!!!

Saturday, 1 July 2017

One Month on

So I've completed my first month in the new job, still feels weird to be there, still getting used to it all, but I'm doing well I think.  One of my new colleagues said that it will take a month to get used to the people and 3 months used to the job itself.  Well after a month I'm comfortable with the people, even if I don't remember everyone's names yet.

As for the job itself, I'm still learning and doing new things each week.  The main focus though for me seems to be internet spot checks for our products where they should not be.  It’s time-consuming but I'm getting the hang of that.  I've also been asked to write reports on the findings, which is something I'm not sure I'm getting the hang of.  I don't think I've ever been really good at reports, usually I'm very plain and basic in that regard and these obviously need to be direct and to the point and also a little specific.  Still I've worked on one this week, gotten feedback and sent it back with changes, so let’s see what happens tomorrow.

I'm also going to be shown more stuff to do, that will be my responsibility.  I am finding it a little tough as I'm the only paralegal there so there is a lot of work sent my way.  Plus with the person training me, also got a lot of work there is not as much time for training.  In this respect I wish there was either a handbook or the other Paralegal was not out on Maternity Leave as I would probably be spending all my time sat next to them learning how to do the job.  I suppose on the reserve side of things, I'm learning on the fly and its going well.

Although some people have realized where I work and have asked do I get discounts on the products... yes Dana, yes Davina I'm looking at you two :-).

Otherwise, I'm still trying to find the balance between work and social life, but I'm sure that will come.  I did get out for Laila Levan on Thursday night and hang with friends and soak up the atmosphere which pretty cool and I also managed to visit my friends in Kiryat Bialik and have lunch with them and apparently agree to dog sit for Kiki, so people The Kiki diaries will reappear as will lots of Kiki pictures.  Just warning you all in advance.

Anyway that's all for now, hope you guys are keeping well, leave a comment, let me know what you think.

Friday, 23 June 2017

Some weeks are tougher than others

So I finished my 3rd week and this week felt tougher than the first two.  I think it’s down to more work being sent my way which is good, because I don't like not being busy, but as I'm still learning it’s tough.

One of my colleagues told me that I shouldn't worry and that in her opinion, it takes a month to get used to the place and the people and 3 months to get used and know the job.  All I know is I've felt a bit off this week.  I think I figured it out in that as some people know I did a previous stint as a Paralegal here in Israel and it didn't go well and I was only there for 3 and a bit weeks and I think with this being my 3rd week I was feeling a little apprehensive about it all.  I'm not sure why though, as my supervisor says I'm doing fine so far and while I'm not doing a lot, I'm trying to learn and expand my knowledge if there is something I do not know.  I'm asking questions as well and talking to other staff if they can help me.

I have though found the task that I think I'm never going to like, even if I ever get to understand it LOL.  But still there is always a job within a job that we don't like doing :-).

But yeah 3 weeks in, still feels new but I'm getting there and I hope in a few months, all the doubts I have about this new job and worry about doing a good job are a thing of the past.

Other news, had an enjoyable time seeing former colleagues at the wedding of Moran and Elad.  It was fun and a hearty Mazal tov to you both.  To my former colleagues I hope to see you all soon.

Otherwise it’s pretty much same old, same old.  Putting my non-work thoughts into what I can do for my birthday in 7 weeks.  Suggested some things and people have said what they think, I just have to make the decision what we actually do. All I know as well as the evening event, I won't work on my birthday for the first time in a while and I want to do something during the day.  So if anyone has ideas what I can do during the day time please suggest away.

So, I hope you all have a great weekend, be in touch.

Saturday, 17 June 2017

2nd Week and still going

So my 2nd week is done, in fact it’s the end of the weekend and I'm heading into my 3rd week.

It’s not hard to make sense of a first week, everything that happens in the first week is all about getting settled into the job, learning and training.  However for me it felt a lot of more like being thrown into the deep end of the pool with been shown how to do things and then given tasks to complete with a deadline in mind.  However I think I managed the tasks well and everything went well, so my first week was fine with a relaxing weekend following including dinner and Wonder Woman at the cinema.

So onto the 2nd week, unfortunately it was a bit of lacking in training due to the head of the department being away it meant my supervisor was a bit busy with other projects.  However I took it on to look further into the diversion aspect as a follow-up to the meeting we had with the representatives of that country last week.  And then I followed up with another countries diversion before a phone conference to be held on Wednesday.  As a result I had to send my first official email outside the office and received a 'this is brilliant' in response.  It’s nice to know that my work is appreciated so far :-). The phone conference went well and I followed up with things that then went back to them.

As I mentioned it was a bit of a quiet week with training not really happening, I was also left alone for 1 full day, as I joked on Facebook I was the legal department for the day.  Still I'm settling in and hopefully all will be well.

Meanwhile I've not done much socially, spoken to friends and hung out with people over the weekend and tomorrow night looking forward to seeing my former colleagues at another former colleagues wedding.  So it will be a chance to relax and let my hair down.

So for now, hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Saturday, 10 June 2017

First Day, First Week, how did it go

So it’s the weekend following my first week, this time tomorrow I'll be back in the office for the first day of my 2nd week.  

Since I started working after University, I've had a few jobs and sometimes they have gone well and I've been there a few years and others haven't.  But the one constant thing that needs to happen I believe is a good first day and a good first week.  If you settle down in the first week, I think it sets the pattern for your time there.

So as of last Sunday I stepped into a new position, new office, new people, and new challenge.  I'm a Paralegal at Moroccanoil based in Rishon Lezion.  So I have to travel and it’s a bit further than before, but I've done similar and as someone said to me people who work in London, don't always live in London so they commute, so it’s not a big deal.  And it isn't... as it stands I get up, get the train for 25 minutes and then walk from the station for 25 minutes to the office.  So far I've been getting to the building about 20 minutes before work.  It gives me a chance to relax before work, spend 10 minutes reading before I head into the office.

So anyway the actual job, its working for a cosmetics company in their legal department and as I found early on, it seems like I will be busy and taking a lot of responsibility on.  Currently I am the only Paralegal.  One left and the other is away on Maternity leave.  So it’s just me and even though it’s very daunting and something I'm not experienced in, I would like to think I'm up for the challenge.  So far already, I've participated in two meetings with distributors from overseas.  The second of which I actually contributed to by preparing a report for the meeting.  Which when you've only worked in the company for 8 and a half hours and asked to start preparing said spreadsheet/report is very nerve wracking.  But I've tried to listen and learn as I go along and ask questions about something if I'm not sure and it’s gone well. Our part of the meeting went well and I think my bosses were pleased with what I had done and that I was following up on stuff as well from that meeting.  

It feels good to have some praise with my work and yes I have a lot to learn, but I do feel I'm off to a good start I hope and well I'm taking each day as it comes and I hope to feel eventually fully comfortable in my position there.

Thanks to everyone who has wished me luck for this week or liked my work related Facebook statues, I promise to not do too many, but this is a new start and a step into the unknown for me, but so far after 5 days it’s going well.

Friday, 2 June 2017

Closing the Chapter on the Typist and starting a new one.

Well its been a couple of weeks since I last posted, been fairly busy but I've some downtime now so here I am.

Well as most of you know, especially if you're on my Facebook I've been counting down to yesterday evening, where after 2 and a half years as English Typist at Dr. Shlomo Cohen & Co. I bid farewell to that position and from Sunday morning I will be starting a new role.

I have to say although as people have commented that I look so much happier from the moment I announced I was leaving this job to move to another and in someways I do feel happier.  But I am also nervous because I'm stepping into the unknown and while I have a little experience in the area my new job will cover.  It is still very much brand new.  I keep telling myself that this company would not have hired me if they didn't think I could do the job, but still there is always a little doubt in my mind, I just have to go into Sunday with my eyes wide open and listen, learn, ask questions (even ask the same once a few times).  But above all else stay calm.

Still it will feel weird to not be an English Typist anymore, after all I've been in Israel now 5 and a half years and this role was my longest here, taking 2 and a half years so its not hard to understand that while some things I did not like.  I've made friends there and one of the hardest things I've found is staying in touch with people when they or you move on and I sincerely hope that it does not happen.

I will miss my girls though.  When you're the only guy among the Receptionists and the Achamashia... its kind of hard not to see them as my girls :-).  Although at least I will not have to share my chocolate anymore (sorry Daniella and Hadar... its all mine now..).

Going to be weird not getting calls to come check and correct people's English, but everything ends and all that, I'm going onto a new thing and I hope that it will be the start of an amazing thing.

Saturday, 13 May 2017

The Good, The Bad and all that's inbetween

Its been a few weeks since I blogged, nearly a month actually, oops how time flies when you are having fun or not having fun LOL.

So I thought I'd start with the stuff that is bugging me lately and I know I've mentioned it before but it still feels a real concern or issue for me.  The lack of social life and feeling excluded by friends, I know people will say that my job of the last 2 years has been the cause of a lot of my lack of social life, with working long hours and sometimes awkward hours and it is that.  But its also the fact I feel sometimes I don't hear from people unless its for something they need and yeah last few weeks I've been fortunate to be invited and actually able to attend a few things and have a good weekend.  But it really feels like its far and few between, there are many weekends when I am just at home, sat by myself at home or in the park reading.  Now I love reading and I don't mind doing that, but it would be nice to have the phone ring and people say we're going out in a couple of hours to have dinner or go sit in a bar, wanna come.  And friends whom I made even in my office, throwing out the old platitude about staying in touch and it doesn't happen.  Its tough, its very tough and sometimes I feel like shutting myself away from the outside world as if anyone would actually notice.

Maybe its just a mood at the moment as I had sad news from back home on Thursday as a member of the Hull Jewish Community passed away on Wednesday Max Gold Solicitor and former Chairman of Hull Kingston Rovers.. (okay I was more a fan of the other Rugby club in the town but still!!) And a memory of him that will always remain is from my bar mitzvah when he made a speech and pointed out that he and my Dad and one other had grown up in prams together.  I also had the pleasure of spending 2 weeks unpaid work experience at his firm back in my younger days.  Its somewhat ironic that I only did it because I needed to do something for the work experience and now I've spent the last 2 years working in a Law Firm in Israel and I'm going onto work in a legal department elsewhere in June.

Onto the good, my cousin Joel and his wife Rebekah welcomed a little boy into the world and I'm looking forward to meet my new cousin this coming week.  I wish Joel and Rebekah and all Mazal Tov :-).

Personal news, although if you are on my Facebook, you already know, I've got a new job.  Starting 3 weeks tomorrow I will be working in the Legal Department of a Haircare company. Its administrative and paralegal work, so it will be a new challenge and yes I'm nervous, but I hope my experience at the current place of work will hold me in good stead and allow me to not only settle but thrive there.

Also thinking about my birthday in just under 13 weeks now, its a big one... not mentioning the number but most of you probably know how old I am.  And since its one of those birthdays I want to do something good for it... So for those of you out there, who actually read this, put your thinking caps on and send me your ideas...

Right I am off to stare a the television screen and hope Sunderland can do to Swansea what they did to Hull last week, because if they don't, I think its back to the Championship for us again.... Come on Sunderland..... yeah I said it... I feel bad now.....need something to take away the feeling of wanting them to win out of mouth..oh good I have chocolate.

yes I'm rambling... but who would be a football fan.  Comment, get in touch, you know the drill. Bye all.

Wednesday, 19 April 2017

Heading Home or How I spent my last couple of days of holiday

So I'm in the last few hours of my holiday, before I head to the airport in the early hours and fly back home to Israel.

It’s been a nice time, disappointing in that I wasn't able to see people due to Passover, but still nice to see the family and I did manage to catch up with a couple of people over the weekend and finally have a long chat with a friend who I worked with at Network Rail, so that was nice. 

So anyway the last two days have been busy enough, yesterday was the last day of Passover in the UK. If I was in Israel, it would have been over on Monday night.  But as I was in the UK, I observed the 8th day, breaking it last night with a muffin and some chocolate from an Easter egg.  Also we visited Tesco's after the festival was over.  It’s quite interesting being there after 9pm seeing all the people coming in.  

Today I went with my parents to the Trafford Centre, went around the shops, bought a case for my new sunglasses and a Blu-ray, had lunch out as well which was nice and then just come back from a nice dinner of Bangers and Mash at JS Restaurant  with a starter of breaded mushrooms :-).  Very tasty. 

Now it’s back at my parents, relaxing before an early start.

I have to say it’s tough to head back, I think everyone kind of feels that way when they're ending a holiday. But being back with the parents was good.

Anyway, back home tomorrow and back to reality.  

Saturday, 15 April 2017

Fighting a losing battle?

Hi all,

So been a long time since I actually posted.  For those of you who are on the Facebook page I commented that my head wasn't in the right place and those who I have talked to, know what has been going in regards to one aspect of my life.  But I feel like I need to post, just to write again.

So since the beginning of the year, work has been very consuming of my life, I suppose I should be proud or honored that my work seems to need me a lot, which is why I'm working long hours and such.  But I don't feel that, in some ways I feel so unappreciated by work or at least in certain places of work.  I know I do a good job, but it feels like its not noticed.

I'm looking to move on, but I feel like its a losing battle, many applications, very little response and even then the interviews I haven't gone as well as I could.  Whether its my lack of experience or they are looking for something else that I don't have, I don't know.  I've even asked for feedback on the rare occasions I get a rejection, but I never get an answer.  I think my CV is in the best state it has been. Like I said I don't know where the fault is.  Is my mindset for interviews in a bad place, is something making me fail? I don't know, but as I'm approaching 5 and a half years in Israel, I'm not sure where my head is in regards to work in Israel.

Socially my life has kind of sucked, probably because of work and working long hours, I'm still unsure how much I've missed out, what opportunities have I lost because of it.  Still I have managed to hang out with friends, but when I come back to Israel from the UK, I must fight past this and make an effort to reconnect with my friends and get out and about.

And yes currently I'm in the UK on a holiday to enjoy Pesach with the family.  Things kind of not gone my way while I've been here, in terms of wanting to visit London.  Due to circumstances beyond my control I missed out on that and it was one of the things I was looking forward to, seeing my friends and their kids.  But I hope to come back to UK sooner rather than later and not leave it to 2 years this time before I get back to the UK this time.  I did get to see a couple of friends which was good, but one of the drawbacks of being in England for Pesach and Easter time is getting to see people.

The fact is I'm not sure where my head is, Israel is the place where I want to be, but right now I'm feeling very unsure of myself and where I'm going and where I stand and feeling very isolated.

Saturday, 7 January 2017

Review of 2016 and a look ahead

So 2016 the year that was, a very eventful year if your part of the celebrity world, people sadly passing on. As one friend referred to it 2016: The year of the Deadening!

But my year, it was an interesting year, a year of not much change, a variety of social events and dates.  Its left me feeling glad to see the back of 2016.

So I continued to work and I'm still in the same job.  Which is now my longest job in Israel, which I consider quite an accomplishment, because as people know back when I first came here, I did bounce from job to job unfortunately.  I've seen people move on from the office though and while I wish them luck and happy they have moved on to new things, I do miss some of them.  Apparently they can't take me with them LOL.

Socially its been an interesting year, I've been out and about, seeing friends and having fun.  Some regrets, as I could have gotten out more than I did, but this year I hope for more opportunities.  I've dated over the last year and though they never worked out, I think I've learnt something from them... at least I hope I did.

Well my parents and sister visited in March over Purim time and that was cool, and then my parents again came to visit in September and its nice to have seen them.  They're currently on a cruise and I think they are somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean, but I'm not sure... its nice to be retired and able to get away.

Onto 2017, I could say I have many hopes, aspirations etc for the year.  One I suppose is to remain healthy, I've been successful in losing weight, so far 6 kg in just under a year and 7 centimeters around the waist.  I want to continue that and lose a few more kilos, ideally before my birthday in August, I'd love to have lost another 5 kg, but we will see, as I said in a Facebook post, its a marathon and not a sprint and lots of constant work.

Otherwise I would hope this year brings me more opportunities both socially and work wise, but above all else I hope its a good year for me, for my family and for my friends.

Oh and I plan to blog a lot more often, I'm thinking of changing this to a website, maybe have people guest blog if they want.  Let me know what you think, anyway. I'm off to relax and hope Hull City can beat Swansea to progress in the FA Cup.